Constructive gadfly
Published on January 14, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

Sowell in one of his usual blustery columns claimed our education system fails to teach kids critical thinking. He then suggests watching old newsreels of Hitler to see the “adoring faces” of his duped audience. “Then read what he says and see it it makes any sense whatever. Yet he convinced others — and himself — that he had a great message and a great mission.” I lack ‘critical thinking” — being the product of public education to advance degrees, so I misread it and assumed he meant Bush.

However, his thrust of “critical thinking” takes a quantum leap:

“Instead of trying to propagandize children to hug trees and recycle garbage, our schools would be put to better use teaching them how to analyze and test what is said by people who advocate tree-hugging and innumerable other causes across the political spectrum.”

The motivation for that imbecilic response, I trust, was the court ordering the school board in Georgia to remove from biology texts the stickers that “critically” reminded students that evolution is not fact — only a theory, kids, so don’t bother to “analyze” it..

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 14, 2005.

on Jan 14, 2005

so I misread it and assumed he meant Bush.

I read that line and had to laugh!  The left says he is an idiot and mangles speech constantly, but now he is the new svengali? (I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were not really calling him the new Hitler).

The left cant make up their mind on what Bush is.  A dupe, a dunce, or a master manipulator.

Truth be told, he is the latter as he is constantly manipulating the left into all kinds of contortions of logic!

on Jan 14, 2005

Sowell: A Critical Thinker[?]

By: stevendedalus
Posted: Friday, January 14, 2005 on
Message Board: Politics
“Instead of trying to propagandize children to hug trees and recycle garbage, our schools would be put to better use teaching them how to analyze and test what is said by people who advocate tree-hugging and innumerable other causes across the political spectrum.”

And this is a problem how? Because he wants them to question instead of take something said at face value?
on Jan 15, 2005

to question instead of take something said at face value?
Such as WMD in Iraq at face value? Far more important to analyze than harmless tree-hugging and recycling. My objection is his absurd citing as propaganda environmental efforts linked to other "causes"--an uncritical put-down of the instructional process. Everyday teachers strive to get students to think reflectively. "Critcal thinking" has always been the goal of education.

Thanks, Guy, for the benefit of the doubt. But Bush is a "master manipulator" but not on the level of a Hitler, and surely not with malicious intent.   

on Jan 15, 2005

Such as WMD in Iraq at face value? Far more important to analyze than harmless tree-hugging and recycling. My objection is his absurd citing as propaganda environmental efforts linked to other "causes"--an uncritical put-down of the instructional process. Everyday teachers strive to get students to think reflectively. "Critcal thinking" has always been the goal of education.

That is the ideal.  But the reality is most teachers are miniRasputins, and care less what the student thinks, but more importantly that they think like the teacher.

Thanks, Guy, for the benefit of the doubt. But Bush is a "master manipulator" but not on the level of a Hitler, and surely not with malicious intent.

I would tend to agree with your assessment, but only in the respect that the left continually underestimates him.  I dont think he is a master manipulator, except when they think he is a stupid bumpkin.  Remember the story of the Nickle and the dime?