Constructive gadfly
Published on January 29, 2004 By stevendedalus In Current Events

We all had it wrong, says Kay. So what? It matters little since the intent was never to scrape up WMD from Saddam’s junk pile left behind by the original weapons inspectors. The Rove plan was to perpetuate the highly successful perception of a wartime president — he learned that from FDR. Everybody loves a commander-in-chief who kicks ass, the hell with the presidency of peace.

The nation is supposed to accept the inevitability of lousy Intelligence, despite the billions of dollars poured into the agencies. This goes as far back as Pearl Harbor and the Bay of Pigs, so why be surprised? — including the tragic, inexcusable stupidity in failing to prevent 9/11.

We are a superpower but with a national IQ of moron expected to digest bullshit. We may understandably brag about our democracy even though we act like authoritarian fools.

on Jan 29, 2004
I watched Kay on C-Span today and find his testimony too appropriated by the Republicrats and the Republicrats to ever be capable of bringing closure to the debate. I personally think Bush can produce all sorts of WMD if votes come to depend on it. Hell, he may have Usama Bin Laden in a rabbit hole right now, waiting for the opportune moment to 'discover' his whereabouts for the election. What I say is that it doesn't matter how Kay's testimony is spun, the FACT is Sadam(sic on purpose as I have no respect for sadam. Bush, SR. used to pronounce his name as it translates in Arabic to 'shoe-shine boy', which I thought was cool) is in custody, there is no bomb being aimed at a U.S. City, and our troops are dying and being maimed as we blog. Let's get them home and FORGET what the Iraqis do with their opportunity to create fundamental change now that we have removed him from power. I could care if they beat each other over the heads with sticks for an election system, I want our troops home, and I want them home yesterday.
on Jan 30, 2004
I think you're right that Bush is a super Machiavellian and capable of staging WMD set up by graphic artists.