Constructive gadfly
Published on December 24, 2004 By stevendedalus In Current Events

The projected $2trillion social security transition cost of privatizing treated lightly by the administration is no surprise — what’s another trillion or so added to an $8 trillion national debt — besides, most of it will go to the profiteers on Wall Street, which has great expertise in robbing other people’s money. Driving this home is the Christmas bonuses to over 150,000 employees of the Street, averaging over 100 grand for each, the grand total of which comes to $14.9 billion! Something is rotten in the moral and priority values of this state of Greed. Neither does a state of war mean anything to these high-rollers.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 23, 2004.

on Dec 24, 2004
Unconscionable? Maybe... but Wow! $14.9 billion!!! As far as tipping (basically what a bonus is right?) goes... we're talking 1.5% on a trillion dollars... much less percentage-wise than you'd leave for a competent waitress. Talking about numbers with 9 to 12 zeroes in them is so far out of basic comprehension that it becomes hard to be outraged.

I'd love to see how that breaks down for the average to be over $100K (you can bet that most of the bonuses were probably less than that, but the high rollers really made out). Just thinking that averages can be deceptive statistical measures. Got any handy sources for the numbers (and lazy people like me)?
on Dec 24, 2004

but know that money is gonna trickle down.  too bad social security hasnt already been reformed.  once it has and the public is investing their retirement money in the market, i bet these bonuses will look positively meager.

im thinking seriously about moving to nyc next october and going back into freelance pharmaceuticals. gimme a couple keys of coke, a couple dozen wall street predators with a hundred grand in their pockets and ill show you the kinda entrepreneurship thatll make the ceo of tyco look like a kid with a lemonade stand.

on Dec 24, 2004

Why do you know more about how to spend MY money than I do?  If I want to give it to some fat cats on Wall street, that should be MY choice!  Not yours!  If you dont want to give them any money, that is YOUR choice, not mine.

This is not a mandatory thing, it is an opt in thing.  Let ME make MY decision on how to spend MY money!

That is the problem with liberals.  You THINK you know more than anyone else on how to spend MY money.

You dont.  But then you would never even comprehend someone actually having wants and desires outside of your myopia.

You dont want YOUR money going to the fat cats?  Dont invest!  But dont deny me MY rights because of your prejudice.

on Dec 29, 2004

That is the problem with liberals. You THINK you know more than anyone else on how to spend MY money.
My Good Doctor, you can't be serious! However, go for it if you want fat cats fatter.

Design, The real point is that it is easy to be generous[?] with investors' money.

Kingbee, good luck in your pharmaceutical venture--there'll be $trillions from the senior plan for you to exploit.