Constructive gadfly
Published on December 23, 2004 By stevendedalus In Religion

I admire people of faith with childlike innocence unvarnished by theo-ideological passion. Those who truly believe that upon their death they will join or await their loved ones in heavenly bliss. However, those with damnation in their hearts that conjure up ferocious hierarchies that will intrude upon the living terroristic judgments to thwart the tranquility and splendor of faith, I have no use for. Neither do I possess saintly patience with physicists who lay claim to theory in solving the mysteries of the universe effected by the subatomic discoveries to the “everything” essence of strings that somehow is the wherewithal governance of creation from the infinitesimal to infinity.

In the frustrating carousel of futilely deciphering the infinitesimal particles of the atom, an unending process, physicists invent “strings” to terminate the infinitesimal procession. In reality they substitute strings as the gods of the universe just as those of faith unquestioningly arrive at truth by God or a spiritual realm. Physicists could learn from Santayana who said that the invention of God necessitates his looking over his shoulder to see if there is another God lurking somewhere. The point is that infinity whether tiny or great has no end nor a beginning — it simply is a non-designing continuum that traps us, and at the same time plays on the infinite possibilities embedded in its process that may or may not develop human consciousness awe struck and tantalized by this wondrous matrix.

From black holes to big bang, scientists have aided in understanding behavior of the universe; the speed of light gives us the idea of time and the age of the current matrix, but does not give us the answer to the eternal timelessness of the existential potential. Various faiths explain more or less the same in their mythology, but part company by ignoring facts and establishing a comforting mysterious deity.

It is, of course, tempting to chalk off a spiritual realm or Plato’s realm of ideas, or even divine intelligence, but to be realistic this is hardly comforting to the human soul when this universal spirit or mind of God has to go through a process of tortuous chance and accident in order to puncture the improbable by developing an all-knowing human intelligence lurking behind some mysterious string.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 23, 2004.

on Dec 30, 2004
Since philosophy is out and religion in, I'll try the latter category.