Constructive gadfly
Published on December 22, 2004 By stevendedalus In Current Events
In light of yesterday's Mosul tragedy, isn't it about time we send in crack special forces to avenge the cruel deaths of our troops?
on Dec 22, 2004
And just who would these crack special forces attack?

If the US had any proof of who carried out such henious crimes they would happily send in the normal military to do the job. The problem is that these terrorists mix into the normal populatino and any foreigners stand out in the normal population and can therefore not collect the informatino needed.

A better suggestion would be to sit 100 spy satilletesover Iraq and record everything that happens everywhere. This would greatly help in spotting terrorist bnehaviour and when something does occur, they can rewind the tapes, find where the car came from , track other people involved, find the explosive storage sites. It baffles me as to why they don't already do this. There is no excuse for them not tracing any car bomb back a few weeks in time, tracing all the individuals involved, tracing who they interact with and shutting down the entire terrorist network. All it takes are satellites, storage capacity, and people.

on Dec 22, 2004

And just who would these crack special forces attack?

Exactly. This was Kerry's problem too. More or different troops are not an answer. You have to find the bad guys through intel before anything can be done. After that is accomplished arresting or killing them is pretty easy for the US military. Killing people and breaking things is an Army's job. Intel's job is to find the right people to kill in the right placesto break.

on Dec 22, 2004
It baffles me as to why they don't already do this. There is no excuse for them not tracing any car bomb back a few weeks in time, tracing all the individuals involved, tracing who they interact with and shutting down the entire terrorist network. All it takes are satellites, storage capacity, and people.
Good for you! It certainly would help. But what I don't understand is in light of all the fuss over military intelligence being compromised by a new czar, I'd like to know where the hell is this "intelligence"?
on Dec 22, 2004
Greywar, then the commanders should be hanged for being lackadaisical; this is a war, dammit, and troops should be getting their rations in a foxhole. 
on Dec 22, 2004
Moreover, crack troops don't cruise around in humvees, they stay on foot and maintain aggressive offense. This has long been my criticism that the brass was unable to establish an impentrable front line.
on Dec 22, 2004

they stay on foot and maintain aggressive offense.

     This in no way helps them find out who hates them among an indigenous people. I am intel and have been for 14 years. We can't rewind the tapes because the funding for such a massive satellite network doesn't exist! Even if the will was there the expense for satellites is enormous. The intel challenge here will not be conquered by brute force. There must come a technological paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions in order to deal with asymmetrical warfare tactics. Trust me when I say that it is nowhere as advanced as the movies make it seem. I would love to go into detail but I can't. You will simply have to take my word for it when I tell you that we have tons of troops on the ground with guns waiting to kill folks but we can't find them amongst all of the innocent civilians. Unless you are advocating another series of Dresden's I think your theory is dramatically flawed and militarily naive.

on Dec 23, 2004
What I find lacking is that the avg. iraqi citizen dosen,t turn these bad guys in!
Yes there is the chance that one maybe killed, but the price of freedom isn't free
on Dec 23, 2004

Naivete notwithstanding, the keystone cop syndrome is not working, and a strong aggressive move is lacking. A singular assault on Fallujah without telecasting it and an air-tight pincer to thwart an escape route would have been helpful. Also why not an offensive on all of the triangle simultaneously? 

Star: I'm with you on that!