Constructive gadfly
Published on January 20, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Kerry’s surprising victory could be bad news for Bush because the anti-war people, perceiving the de facto war of choice, have modified their stand that it is best to elect one who thirty years ago as a veteran led the anti-war movement. They reasoned that who but a veteran, having experienced the heartbreak of a war predicated on disinformation qualifies to lead the nation back to sanity?

Iowans finally realized that Kerry’s senate vote for the war — just as I had expressed in previous blogs — was to give a president of good faith to carry the vote of confidence to the UN to get tougher with Saddam and to expose him as a charlatan and hopefully lead to regime change by the people of Iraq. Iowans of the democratic caucuses also reasoned that what’s done is done is no reason that a different direction is not forthcoming by a man who deeply understands foreign policy to be primarily diplomatic relations with a community of nations.

Furthermore, domestic policy was also very much bristling in the caucuses over the ineluctable drive on the part of the administration to ride roughshod over the middle class in behalf of the privileged and corporate world determined to perpetuate their dynasties through tax-cuts and ever-increasing shelters. [Still ringing in their ears was Gore’s populist echo of the “rich and powerful.”]

Finally the cries for health care for all as a right has begun to stick with the people who understand after decades of this issue only worsening that action to eradicate this shame must materialize.

on Jan 20, 2004
The Democrats have been running on the healthcare for all Americans for years. Clinton ran on it and had 8 years to get it in. Health care is merely a ploy that Democrats use to get elected and then do nothing except raise taxes. GCJ
on Jan 20, 2004
I agree with 'GemCityJoe' on health care and ther is no reason to believe Kerry, a member of this clique for years has any intention of doing more. Having watched the elderly white ladies that ran Adair County Caucus, their reasoning had more to do with wanting to, "Hurry and get this over with and we'll have cookies and coffee". (reference my observations verbatim for further quotes from this significant political insiders event) than any of the issues you mention here. This is stuff a pundit puts out to legitimize a illegitimate, and archaic process. The Iowa caucus is a joke not a selection process based on issues. Consider a process that allows four choices and then tells those who did not get enough votes to change their votes for another Candidate and you see what I mean. These are people who have NO stake in selecting a Candidate and have NO integrity for their Candidate to start with. I watched ten minutes of an old lady shuffling through her home to find a man to open the wine bottles while she decided which rooms should have more crackers for the meat, and only overheard two conversations as she went. One concerned a girl who had hit a deer and could not open her car door. The other was of a man who sold all his horses "that year and I had a yearling..." Come on now, this is nonsense and we give it more credit than its worth to even attempt to speculate how these elderly white farmers have discussed the main reasons for deciding why America as a whole should adopt their in-depth tactics and strategy for defeating Bush this fall. The voted had cake and cookies with wine or coffee and went on about their farming business. The have no PLAN for America or mentioned any of the statements you mention here.
on Jan 20, 2004
All I heard was politics as usual. Kerry claims he will make the US "energy independent." He didn't mention how he was going to do that though. The Democrats keep saying they will do away with the Bush Tax Refund (nice way of saying we will raise your taxes) but don't say what they are going to do for us with that money. Kerry plays upon peoples feelings about the current war by showing off the fact that he saved lives while serving during vietnam. I think that is great but just because he served doesn't mean he knows how to command.

I don't feel too optimistic about anyone at this point.
on Jan 22, 2004
I've never put much stock in Iowa either as a political trend; however, in light of Come-Back-Kerry, it seems they are thinking a little deeper as to his more electable. I know, Jill, your stance on taxes--let the people decide how to spend or save--still, there are many who do not have that luxury since they don't pay that much to begin with but certainly get slammed with state and local taxes, especially in revenue-sharing practically at a stand still.
As for health plans, all Kerry is saying is that the people should have the same benefits as Congress.