Constructive gadfly
Published on January 13, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Muslim countries are conditioned if not to hate America, at least to scoff at its seemingly senseless modernity. Because of the religious strictures of Islam, there is little room for tolerance in other cultures. Granted, Britney French kissing Madonna — or is it now called Freedom Tongue? — on TV, or Michael Jackson using dental whitener strips on his skin are not our best illustrations of American freedom, still, we are a superpower that says others are either for or against us — and we really don’t care. Reality shows also do not help in putting our best foot forward in leading the world to the American Tao. Muslims might have trouble trying to figure out our heroes: Pete Rose, despite his gambling should be in the Hall of Fame, according to most sports enthusiasts because of the numbers he racked up over his career; never mind that for over a decade he denied betting on baseball. Boston swallowed its pride during the playoffs and gave Roger Clemens a standing ovation for his achievements since it would be his final season, only to discover that he will indeed be back next season. Then there is the head-scratching alliance of ACLU and Rush Limbaugh to further the confusion of Muslims and Americans. There is also the mystery of popularity; you see, a president irreverently soiled a woman’s dress and stupidly never offered to have it dry cleaned. Yet he is as popular as ever.

Still, there is much to be proud of in America but that Muslims would never comprehend: There is the belief, and in most cases practice, in freedom and equality of women as long as they go forth and multiply. There are food stamps for the poor and in most cases free health care for those who cannot afford it, provided they can document they are without assets of any kind and the cupboard is bare. There is in place a great educational system, though public education is under attack but at least not because it confines its curriculum to religion — there seems to be a testing glitch. Credit cards are issued freely regardless of one’s ability to pay, for there is a marvelous escape clause called bankruptcy. Anyone who can afford $650 a month and a mere $5000 up front, can lease a Lexus. There are no restrictions on language for the profane, except for occasional blips on live TV. Most Americans with good credit own homes; fine apartments are available for the renters who have some $2000 in up front cash. Though upward mobility is on the decline, those willing to kiss ass and work long hours can still soar. Our election system on occasion allows the one with fewer votes to be declared the winner, but at least we have a voice. Now Americans have the most liberal tax system, especially those who make enough to shelter half of it. Of course, state and local governments have not yet fathomed this liberal reduction scheme since they continue to tax the hell out of us. There is an astounding priority of values in America — entertainers, athletes, CEOs are worth three hundred times the average wage earners; also sports arenas take precedent over the need to build housing and schools.

The upshot, though, is that, in spite of inadequacies, there are very few Americans who would change places with a Muslim.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 13, 2004.

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