Constructive gadfly
Published on January 11, 2004 By stevendedalus In Philosophy

While the current Martian landing and another to follow are in search of signs of life, present and past, astronomers are discovering by the satellite WMAP [microwave probe] that the universe is stranger than fiction in that far from finding signs of life it is baffled by this map indicating only 4% of the universe is made of known stuff, let alone life. Dark matter, 23% of the universe, is still not understood and another 73% consisting of dark energy is totally mysterious other than it acts like anti-gravity by pushing the known matter further apart causing the universe to expand exponentially.

One is tempted to view all this as hallucination, were it not for the hard facts of observation and confidence in human intellection to extract theory from all that there is. However, since the early days of observation that apprised the thinkers that the earth was at the center of the universe, theory is obviously a tentative on-going process of speculation that may prove very little. For instance, the Big Bang theory explained the expanding universe as a natural follow through of an immense explosion while gravity somehow countered this by giving a semblance of order to some of its parts by coalescence. Yet if anti-gravity is significantly more abundant how can this be? Or is it logical to assume that as the anti-gravity of dark energy in its inclination to pervade, spreads itself thin — and in this way eventuating a weakness whereby gravity wins? Then, the Big Bang at the outset was correct in its cycle of explosion-implosion.

On the other hand, the argument could be that dark energy is a living product of infinite space, which is the unsealed envelope of all that there truly is — an incomprehensible non-void of eternal energy, and may even possess valid sectors of other universes in growth, or for that matter within reach of total, climactic stability. If this were so, then it would disprove the Big-Bang as the maker of space as well; in other words, a gigantic balloon expanding till it burst. Dark energy, then, further disproves that in the beginning there was nothing but an infinitesimal particle as this pervasive energy is ever present and the stuff that holds up space — its DNA, so to speak, or if you will, call it spirit.

              Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 11, 2004.

on Jan 28, 2004
And the implications are ... awesome?

I tried to put a few together in "A Matter of Darkness" - see

on Feb 06, 2004
Awesome multiplied by infinity.