Constructive gadfly
Published on January 8, 2004 By stevendedalus In Current Events

It seems the boring, heard-that-before Democratic presidential primary run is nothing but fodder for the media, particularly the talking heads who, with their symbiotic guests, serve no other purpose than to flex their egos. Everybody in the media wants to be a celebrity — Chris Matthews adores himself while straddling the fence, Shawn Hannity thinks he’s the guru of the neo-cons and Reaganite Catholicism, James Carvelle pretends to be the champion of the little people, Robert Novak endures as the official Republican Joker. Yet they are worshiped or abominated for their excoriating commentary, particularly during primaries.

Dean wants to roll back taxes cuts; Kerry says, you can’t do that to the middle class, but okay for the rich [echo of Clinton]; Gephardt wants the tax cuts rolled into universal health care, and Clarke wants the tax cuts poured into homeland security. The Democrats never learn: in a campaign don’t refer to taxes if not a reduction. Bush One lied about it; Mondale vowed an increase; both lost. In light of Wall Street chicanery, the Democrats have nowhere to go.They have lost on both fronts.

As long as the credit cards keep coming and the people continue to consume and have their entertainment and sports, and stay healthy they are content. That there is a war still on is of no concern to them — that’s why we have professionals in the armed service. More important issues to light a fire under the people are gays, guns, vouchers, terrorism in check, right to life, death penalty, prayer in schools, Ten Commandments, Confederate flag, Arnold, CBS, and a Reagan and Bush addition to Mt. Rushmore.

on Feb 06, 2004
I take it back--now that the voting is in full swing--the campaign is filled with surprises and attrition--I like it.
on Feb 06, 2004
Steven, now this is just my opinion, I think you oughta stop posting those copyrighted articles, your stuff is better I think.

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on Feb 08, 2004
These copyrighted articles are mine; I've been advised to do this for my own website. [I'm Kennedy]
on Feb 09, 2004
Oh, I see, then hell, like I said before except double this time,

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