Constructive gadfly
Published on January 7, 2004 By stevendedalus In Home & Family
What happened to Samantha Runnion was torture and murder — terrorism of the worst kind because it is a deplorable act of personal, up front horror wreaked upon an innocent child. Where was congressional outrage for this as was demonstrated in behalf of “Under God”?

Far too long now is the indifference of a national community to countless incidence of terror against our children. Far too long has been the inaction in face of the horrendous crimes of rape, kidnapping and murder committed against humanity without any major effort at prevention. Where are the G-Men, the police, the neighborhood watch teams? Where are the Internet police to track down these pedophiles electronic suitors and slavers of young women? How many years must a citizen endure the daily headlines of Chandras, Nicoles, Cassandras, Elizabeths, Danielles, Lacis, and Samanthas? Why can’t we have politicians who say “Dammit, we won’t take this anymore!”

It should go without saying that a massive effort must be made to wipe out this national terrorism and should be incorporated into Homeland Security. A good start would be to institute a trained and cleared civilian patrol— the police are too taken up with issuing traffic tickets — to take over the policing of neighborhoods.

We are quick to criticize — rightly so — Islam for its low regard of women, yet are we really protective and respectful toward our own? What is it in the national psyche that breeds such misogyny that in the sick male mind is seen in the child or adult of the opposite sex? It appears we actually need special training for boys in the early years to look upon girls not only as equals but as sensitive and vulnerable in need of male sensitivity. Where are the top minds in psychiatry? Shouldn’t they be embarking on a Manhattan Project to uncover the emotional and chemical imbalance of these individuals who have the sickening mind-set of terrorists bent by perceptions socio-political or personal.

This nation needs a kick in the ass for failing to focus on things that matter most: a moral imperative is the safety of our children. The axis of evil is here: the molesters, the rapists, the murderers. Let’s get cracking.
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