Once upon a Time the rich got richer and the poor got less poor because of enhanced productivity and its distribution. It was known as sharing in the efforts of capital and labor, NOT redistribution of wealth that today implies the Robin Hood system.
Granted, this country is still well off when contrasted with the emerging nations, but we have different standards and the current wealth gap makes the perception virtually amorally embarrassing—if not immoral—when juxtaposed to other industrial nations. Nor can it be denied that millions of the ostensibly lowlife are barely subsisting and normal opportunities diminishing. It is unfortunate that as wealthy grow to the point that it perceives itself as a blesséd aristocracy, they become callous to the realities of the nether world without ever considering that the disadvantages inherent in the DNA of too many deserve some sense of kindness. "Let them eat cake" should not be in the phrasing of a democratic capitalism struggling to recover from decades of economic subversion.