Constructive gadfly
Published on December 5, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

To all who’s single: say no to sex and conservatives promise you a ticket to heaven.

A star-struck woman of the State Department will do what Colin couldn’t — comply.

Funds for education is controlled by legislators roll of leaded dice.

How can humanity be so smug when under Earth’s mantle is fiery hell?

The testimony of the majority is that we fear terrorism and God.

If youth expended half the energy and enthusiasm for education that they do on rock stars and video games, the future would look brighter.

Can there be greater psychological damage than an obese young teenage girl viewing a Victoria Secret commercial?

We don’t really pledge allegiance to our flag, but rather allegiance to our God.

To attain the true grace of God you must live in a Red state.

Maybe crime doesn’t pay, but steroids sure as hell does.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 5, 2004.

on Dec 05, 2004
"Maybe crime doesn’t pay, but steroids sure as hell does."

Aren't these one and the same? Crime actually does pay: tax evasion, money laundering, cyber crime, arms sales to the highest bidder, human trafficking (particularly women and children), (ect...). More needs to be done in all of these areas. Personally, I think if someone wants to destroy themselves with steroids...let them have it. Laws have done little to stop the sale/abuse of illegal substances. If someone is intent on destroying themselves the law won't and can't stop them from doing it. We have other pressing priorities like the ones I mentioned above.
on Dec 07, 2004
The "maybe" was tongue-in-cheek; and thinking of steroids in sports wherin the athletes reap huge benefit.