Constructive gadfly
Published on January 2, 2004 By stevendedalus In Philosophy

If all life on the earth were destroyed today, tomorrow would resort to its nature and begin again. If the planet were totally obliterated the mystery of the cosmos would eventuate the likes of another: this is the nature of the Supra-being who thrives on cognition -- nay, is cognition intertwined with prescience. To think otherwise is a contradiction of the very subsistence directly responsible for the being forging the misconception, which is sense of the other, however distorted. So, too, the totality of being relies on material otherness, requiring manufacturing, to give it purpose -- good or bad -- and therefore complete being through its Labor.

Let us say for the sake of argument that the entirety of being -- space-time, matter -- collapses upon itself as some predict the universe will eventually do. This concept stems from the myth of death that all is in the end lost. But as in death the memory of the departed lives on in the memory of the other, the pre-existence of the material lives on in the ethereal monad of memory and otherness which drives it always to material objectification. If in fact the material does exhaust itself by the nature of its corruption, it is only in its format as we perceive it, not its sub-element that even in a black hole by necessity exists.

Thus with corruption comes regeneration or more accurately its love of spider-like labor and challenge -- ergo, immortality.

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