Constructive gadfly
Published on November 30, 2009 By stevendedalus In Politics

Economist bean-counter Robert Samuelson is panicky over healthcare for millions more running up the national debt.[The uninsured] "already receive substantial medical care." Apparenly it is not worth putting in jeopardy other enterprises such as the war machine, outsourcing and Wall Street bonuses.


on Nov 30, 2009

not worth putting in jeopardy other enterprises such as the war machine, outsourcing and Wall Street bonuses

I'm sure that's the sum total of the list.  Couldn't possibly be any other reasons to oppose the monstrosity of a healthcare bill that the Dems are pushing.

Samuelson is a level head and probably the only sane person remaining at Newsweek (if he's still there - I have no way of knowing for sure).

Glad you're feeling better, Richard.