Constructive gadfly
Published on November 16, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Seventy percent of the populace believed Iraq had direct ties to Al Qaeda;

A third believed weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq;

The war in Afghanistan in all intents and purposes is over;

Fallujah was the only pocket of insurgency remaining;

Moral issues are more important than terrorism;

Gays’ incursion upon marriage is an intent to upstage American lifestyle;

Those with “safe” jobs don’t think outsourcing is a problem;

Hollywood is the root of all sins;

Urbanites, unions, and Dixie Chicks are the new axis of evil;

Embryonic stem cells will be thawed for insemination;

Abortion is premeditated murder;

A woman’s choice is but a nagging vestige of women’s liberation;

A president who thinks too much necessarily lacks resolve;

A president who takes us to war— provided he’s a Republican — has resolve;

Those who do not attend church frequently have no concept of morality;

Tax cuts for the wealthy are essential for a thriving economy;

Though we are a Christian nation, others should be secular;

Keeping insurance companies happy is more important than universal health care;

Malpractice is simply an occupational hazard;

AK47s are essential to hunting because there are many animals that are too damned elusive;

To Christianize public institutions is the way of the Lord;

Massachusetts is for losers;

Bruce Springsteen is no longer boss.

Tort reform is essential to save business and health providers [less than 2% of costs];

Building new prisons is more important than repairing schools.

A president who never makes a mistake is preferable to a nuanced flip-flopper.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 05, 2004
I suppose you feel that these "personal claims" are better off not said even though crossing a prepnderance of the electorate's "thinking." "Too bad." 
on Dec 05, 2004
No, I was saying that claiming they represent the electorate's thinking is simply trying to characterize all of them in a particular way to make them look as bad as possible and that making these claims about their thinking is ridiculous.

"Massachusetts is for losers" ? C'mon, seriously.
on Dec 09, 2004
I think you're taking this much too seriously.
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