Constructive gadfly
Published on November 16, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Seventy percent of the populace believed Iraq had direct ties to Al Qaeda;

A third believed weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq;

The war in Afghanistan in all intents and purposes is over;

Fallujah was the only pocket of insurgency remaining;

Moral issues are more important than terrorism;

Gays’ incursion upon marriage is an intent to upstage American lifestyle;

Those with “safe” jobs don’t think outsourcing is a problem;

Hollywood is the root of all sins;

Urbanites, unions, and Dixie Chicks are the new axis of evil;

Embryonic stem cells will be thawed for insemination;

Abortion is premeditated murder;

A woman’s choice is but a nagging vestige of women’s liberation;

A president who thinks too much necessarily lacks resolve;

A president who takes us to war— provided he’s a Republican — has resolve;

Those who do not attend church frequently have no concept of morality;

Tax cuts for the wealthy are essential for a thriving economy;

Though we are a Christian nation, others should be secular;

Keeping insurance companies happy is more important than universal health care;

Malpractice is simply an occupational hazard;

AK47s are essential to hunting because there are many animals that are too damned elusive;

To Christianize public institutions is the way of the Lord;

Massachusetts is for losers;

Bruce Springsteen is no longer boss.

Tort reform is essential to save business and health providers [less than 2% of costs];

Building new prisons is more important than repairing schools.

A president who never makes a mistake is preferable to a nuanced flip-flopper.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 17, 2004
Ooo! I've got another one:

We should still follow the doctrine of Manifest Destiny.

Oh, Sh*t! I'm gonna get invaded now! Must open up 1812-sized can of whoop-a*s on Bush, with Canada's strong, well-funded, powerful milit...we're screwed.
on Nov 18, 2004
Daniel Ruoss: "Keep up the condescending attitude."

Preceded by: "Wahh! Wahhh! I lost so the country must be wrong, not me! Wahhhhhhhh!!!! ----How typical. The country doesn't go your way so all of us Bush voters are automatically ignorant. Whatever, buddy. Here's an investment tip.... Buy Kleenex and other tissue paper makers stock. With all of this liberal crying it should shoot through the roof!"

Followed by: "It helps us get more votes for 2008! Enjoy the minority! "

Does the word "hypocracy" mean anything to you?
on Nov 21, 2004
From what I've seen, it is the leadership of the Christian right who thinks that those on the left who oppose their agenda are ignorant of religion and religious doctrines. In fact, I have seen a letter by a religious right leader to the President which says "the left hates you because they hate your Christ."
A great jab.
mind if I ask what your novel is about?
It takes place in the seething sixties--racial tension in schools, teaching, learning problems, etc. However, I'll soon be working on the galley proofs of my novel soon to be published--it's about the Depression and WWII.  
on Nov 21, 2004
Building new prisons is more important than repairing schools.

Where I live, the city counsel was more worried about rebuilding the detention center than the school. Our town just had two rival schools merge into one school and instead of building one big school, like they did for another school that is in our neighboring city, they just kept the two schools and had the middle school students and freshmen attend one school, while the rest of the high school attended another. I liked the article, especially the part about the urbanites, the union, and the Dixie Chicks being the new axis of evil. I loved that.

on Nov 21, 2004
Those who do not attend church frequently have no concept of morality

I am a Republican, Christian, with a strong concept of morality that does not attend any church frequently or infrequently.

on Nov 21, 2004
Wow. Was anybody counting? Liberal sighting @! Very exciting.

I'll tell you, Steven. I've only joined up to this site recently and haven't had a chance to read your posts, but I like this one....

My main issue is that we liberals need to look at the issues differently, or at least find a new voice. Once we finish consoling ourselves, we have to get out there again and get the message through. Somehow it didn't sink in this last round. What are we doing wrong?

Too many stately, plump Buck Mulligans out there, perhaps, usurping our names (I've been working on a novel, lately, too, and writing a side journal dedicated to the original landlocked Mr. Dedalus). Good luck with your writng.

By the way, you've probably already read this, but Todd Gitlin's "The Sixties...." rocks.

on Nov 25, 2004
Too many stately, plump Buck Mulligans out there, perhaps, usurping our names (I've been working on a novel, lately, too, and writing a side journal dedicated to the original landlocked Mr. Dedalus). Good luck with your writng.
Much appreciated coming from a Joyce fan.
I am a Republican, Christian, with a strong concept of morality that does not attend any church frequently or infrequently.
THen, I trust, you are resentful of the Christian Right that thinks only church goers have a high degree of morality.
on Nov 25, 2004
Our town just had two rival schools merge into one school
When it comes to our children, they shortchange them everytime.
on Nov 25, 2004
Ignorance Is Bliss:

By: stevendedalus
Posted: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 on
Message Board: Politics
AK47s are essential to hunting because there are many animals that are too damned elusive;

You shouldn't pass this misinformation along. You *can't* even own an AK-47! A true AK is an automatic firearm and as such is not legal to own. Not unless you have some serious permits from BATF!

Those with “safe” jobs don’t think outsourcing is a problem;

I don't have a job and yet I don't believe out-sourcing to be a problem. Look at it this way, do the jobs belong to us or the government? NO! They belong to the owner of the company, it's the company's money paying the salaries not yours or mine. It's also the company paying the benefits.So why should the government have any say at all in where those jobs go.

Massachusetts is for losers;
Bruce Springsteen is no longer boss

Mass IS for losers (AKA Ted Kennedy) and Springsteen hasn't been the bboss for quite a while.

on Nov 25, 2004
I don't have a job and yet I don't believe out-sourcing to be a problem.

It's not really fair for you to say that, drmiler. You are unable to work and receive disability benefits.
on Nov 25, 2004

Reply #26 By: Texas Wahine - 11/25/2004 2:15:04 AM
I don't have a job and yet I don't believe out-sourcing to be a problem.

It's not really fair for you to say that, drmiler. You are unable to work and receive disability benefits.

That may be true. But on the other hand my wife's job *was* out-sourced to India and yet both of us feel the same way. We don't see it as a problem. We need to quit looking to the government to solve our problems.
on Nov 25, 2004
But on the other hand my wife's job *was* out-sourced to India and yet both of us feel the same way.

That does a much better job of making your point.
on Nov 25, 2004
Reply #28 By: Texas Wahine - 11/25/2004 2:23:06 AM
But on the other hand my wife's job *was* out-sourced to India and yet both of us feel the same way.

That does a much better job of making your point.

A little OT...has anyone heard from *myrrander* lately?
on Nov 25, 2004
I'm actually a bit worried about him. His sister said she hadn't heard from him either a couple of days ago. She thought he might be off for the week with no internet at home . . . She wasn't certain, though.
on Nov 25, 2004

Reply #30 By: Texas Wahine - 11/25/2004 2:27:44 AM
I'm actually a bit worried about him. His sister said she hadn't heard from him either a couple of days ago. She thought he might be off for the week with no internet at home . . . She wasn't certain, though.

He can be such a butt-head but I miss reading his stuff. I do hope he's okay.
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