Constructive gadfly
Published on December 19, 2008 By stevendedalus In Politics

Now that it's a foregone conclusion the domestic autoworkers will be subject to wage controls will their management also be struck with rollbacks as well? Also a foregone conclusion is that most JoeUsers' unionbashers will applaud the ostensibly competitive rollback and future controls and thus ironic that in a sense it is redistribution of wealth which so many ironically argue against even though much of the "wealth is from the much renounced legacy.

on Dec 19, 2008

most JoeUsers' unionbashers

Union Bashers?  You mistake Union bashers (i.e. the UAW) with observers.  No one here is doing a damn thing to hurt the UAW.  The same cannot be said at UAW headquarters.

on Dec 19, 2008

No one here is doing a damn thing to hurt the UAW.
I'm not saying that, but you can't deny most of you despise unions. Granted the UAW never should have broken away from the parent AFL-CIO and lost control but they have in this crisis been pretty reasonable.


on Dec 21, 2008

I'm not saying that, but you can't deny most of you despise unions.

But I do deny it.  In fact, I fully support Guilds - that still have a purpose.  But tyrannical groupings of workers whose sole purpose is to "stick it to the man" have outlived their usefulness.  Their very objectives defy their original intentions.  And work to negate them as well.

but they have in this crisis been pretty reasonable.

How?  They have been unreasonable in every facet, even to the point of pissing off Pelosi and Reid.

on Dec 22, 2008

Saw an ad on TV for a Cadillac CTS for under 40K last night, very cool. Both management and the workers are going to have to take a cut, otherwise the bailout bandaid is going to dry up quick. Then that boo boo is really going to hurt. Too bad more Americans can't take advantage of the fire sales currently going  on.

on Dec 22, 2008

Also a foregone conclusion is that most JoeUsers' unionbashers

I wonder why anyone bothers to reply to these type of arguments. Union bashers? So is "bashers" a Democrat or Liberal word for Conservatives or Republicans? Or does this have to do with Liberals and Democrats once being called Bush Bashers? Either way it's a poor way to argue a problem. Silly and childish if you ask me.


on Dec 24, 2008

Now that it's a foregone conclusion the domestic autoworkers will be subject to wage controls will their management also be struck with rollbacks as well? Also a foregone conclusion is that most JoeUsers' unionbashers will applaud the ostensibly competitive rollback and future controls and thus ironic that in a sense it is redistribution of wealth which so many ironically argue against even though much of the "wealth is from the much renounced legacy.


LOL whatever. I am a union worker and I STILL SAY that the auto union workers should get a pay cut. In fact alot of us fellow union workers here think this should happen.  We take cuts or freezes to keep our jobs around and make the company money so we have job security... where as the auto union did exactly the opposite... do I feel sorry for them ... not at all. there is no reason to make all that money...if it means your company is around next month or years to come you need to take a roll back to make sure future generations can enjoy union jobs

on Dec 24, 2008

Now that it's a foregone conclusion the domestic autoworkers will be subject to wage controls will their management also be struck with rollbacks as well? Also a foregone conclusion is that most JoeUsers' unionbashers will applaud the ostensibly competitive rollback and future controls and thus ironic that in a sense it is redistribution of wealth which so many ironically argue against even though much of the "wealth is from the much renounced legacy.

I live in the Detroit area and don't think the auto companies should be bailed out. I also don't think the government should be involved in how much people make.

The stock of these companies should be 0 -- anyone who is okay with executives getting millions of dollars in salaries for running their company into the ground shouldn't be getting any return on that investment.

on Jan 28, 2009

Detroit--alas, 0-16--and you callously want to really rub it in!


on Jan 28, 2009

Silly and childish if you ask me.
Yes, it is truly silly and childish for working people of JU to be against unions.

on Jan 28, 2009

Hey steve... as a union worker myself the UAW made their bads they can go sleep in it.

on Jan 30, 2009

The UAW also made damn good cars for some sixty years but they also helped build the middle class. Their big mistake was losing clout by divorcing AFL-CIO.

on Jan 30, 2009

The UAW also made damn good cars for some sixty years but they also helped build the middle class. Their big mistake was losing clout by divorcing AFL-CIO.

What does their past good deeds have to do with anything.  No one is denying that unions played a critical role in this nations history by fighting for workers rights.  The problem is that they are no longer concerned with protecting jobs, they have lost focus and are more concerned with getting a bunch of benefits that end up causing the cars to be sold at a loss which isn't good for anyone.  Admittedly they have recently made some major concessions but only because they were all but forced to by congress.  They should have been working with the automakers long ago to strengthen the business not undermine it. 

Don't get me wrong this isn't just the UAWs fault, there is plenty of blame to go around I am just saying that just because the union did some good things years ago doesn't change the fact that they have done considerable harm to the industry more recently.

on Feb 03, 2009

They should have been working with the automakers long ago to strengthen the business not undermine it.

What's wrong with strengthening autoworkers, along with automakers. If the scabs in the south had some balls and fought for a union to counter the foreign manufacturers and built a strong middle class we might not be in a recession.

on Feb 03, 2009

What's wrong with strengthening autoworkers, along with automakers.

Absolutely nothing, but that isn't what was done.

on Feb 06, 2009

Absolutely nothing, but that isn't what was done.
Never the twain--like prolife, prochoice--of labor, management shall meet.