Constructive gadfly
Published on November 4, 2008 By stevendedalus In Politics


MSNBC which is clearly for Obama is running every ten minutes or so ads on Reverend Wright at his worst sponsored by the Republican party. I suppose in the station’s defense it is honoring free speech, but the bottom line is profit and greed. To McCain’s credit he has steered away from such negatives—much to Palin’s distress—for he is an honorable man, although he has had his own religious issues that could have backfired.

Speaking of MSNBC, I wish the station would stop being Fox in reverse—it’s embarrassing. Keith’s glib humor beating a dead horse and nasty criticism are from the school of Sean Hannity and O'Reilly; the station should rein him in. Rachel Maddow, though brilliant, is so bias that she is too cute about it and it is becoming boring and offensive. Chris Matthews whose seniority is a mystery to me has been so erratic over the years that he has no integrity left, particularly when he relentlessly pounces on guests who disagree with him. He once criticized Clinton for lying when in the course of Hillary’s campaign Bubba had claimed he was from the beginning against the Iraq war. Yet not too long ago he let slip—though he voted for Bush—that he was from the outset against the war. No way, for if he had he would have been fired along with Phil Donahue.

It’s time to clean house of NBC’s cable "news."

Copyright © 2008 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: Nov 4,  2008.


on Nov 04, 2008

Sounds to me like you don't like freedom of speech. You know, I know very little about those people you mentioned and many others. Why? Because I don't bother to listen to that which sounds like BS to me. I always wonder though, why some people have such strong opinions about those they dislike but in order to have such an opinion that would mean you've been listening to them. And last I checked, unless you are getting paid to do so, people don't listen to boring stuff just because.

on Nov 04, 2008

I think MSNBC is a little more than Fox in reverse.

Hannity on Fox is certainly very conservative but he is paired up with Colmes.  

O'Reilly is all over the place in his views and is an equal opportunity basher (though he clearly doesn't like the far left) whereas Olbermann is just a total left-wing loon.

And there's no equivalent to Chris "I love Obama" Mathews on Fox.

Fox is about as right-wing as CNN is left-wing which is to say, its editorial is right of center.  But MSNBC is in a league of its own.

on Nov 04, 2008

Fox in reverse?  I love the newspeak we are already learning.  If liberals do it, it is tough debate.  If conservatives do it - it is mean spirited.  If Liberal media bends over backwards for the left, that is honest reporting.  If the media tries to present a fair and balanced account - it is in the tank for conservatives.

If a man goes into a coma today and wakes up in 4 years, he will not be able to communicate as the langauge will have been bastardized.  Day 1 of newspeak.

on Nov 04, 2008

Know how I voice my opinion on MSNBC?  I don't watch it.

Olbermann is just a total left-wing loon.

And there's no equivalent to Chris "I love Obama" Mathews on Fox.

The thrill must be running up both legs today for these two.

And Ben Affleck nailed Olbermann on SNL over the weekend.  Who saw an Olbermann parody coming from Ben Affleck?

on Nov 05, 2008

Fox in reverse?
MsNBC fair and unbalanced.

And Ben Affleck nailed Olbermann on SNL over the weekend.
Absolutely--I loved it.

on Nov 05, 2008

he has steered away from such negatives—much to Palin’s distress

Richard the magic mind-reader.  Tsk Tsk.  Not too becoming.

on Nov 06, 2008

MsNBC fair and unbalanced.

Ok, I will buy that.

on Nov 06, 2008

Not too becoming
Yes, the fate of punditry; at least Fox throws in milquetoast Colmes whereas MSNBC throws in Maddow as a double jeopardy spin off of Olbermann.  


And there's no equivalent to Chris "I love Obama" Mathews on Fox.
True, since Hannity exceeds him in daring negativity--despite Colmes who's just a prop or token just as Beck is CNN's tokenism.

on Nov 06, 2008

just as Beck is CNN's tokenism.

Glad you said that.

on Nov 06, 2008

Beck is CNN's tokenism

Beck has seen the light & moved over to Fox (or been shitcanned by CNN, take your pick).

on Nov 07, 2008

Beck has seen the light & moved over to Fox (or been shitcanned by CNN, take your pick).

Yeah, I noticed that. The gal is an improvement--great teeth, too.