Constructive gadfly
Published on August 30, 2008 By stevendedalus In Politics

 Although I’ve supported since Truman pushed for it in the late ’40s, universal healthcare can be put aside until we settle the horrendous issue of so many thousands going in hock or declaring bankruptcy owing to major medical bills in arrears. There should be for the uninsured and underinsured alike an accumulated floor one should have to pay for serious medical conditions. A youngster in his twenties barely above the minimum wage hit with appendicitis or a weekend sports injury should not be saddled with a bill of more than $500-1,000 and be given the chance to pay for it in easy payments before a collector agent pounds on his door. For young families who are belted with a medical catastrophe must be subject to humanitarian bailout. Nor should anyone in similar circumstances be threatened with foreclosures and repossessions.

The taxpayer should be honored to help those in dire financial need due medical catastrophe.

Copyright © 2008 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: Aug 30,  2008.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 09, 2008

Bankruptcy, however low the percentage nationally--and I question it is as low as you say--50% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills.

It used to be before the mortgage mess, but so many of the foreclosures now are due to second homes, investments and  job loss so I don't know how that % has changed.

on Oct 09, 2008

It used to be before the mortgage mess, but so many of the foreclosures now are due to second homes, investments and job loss so I don't know how that % has changed.

Thank you for pointing out the obvious to Stevendedalus.

But I would also argue with StevenDedalus about pre-housing crises numbers.  if you have some empirical numbers you can offer.  And remember, having medical bills for those filing bankruptcy is not justification.  I have medical bills and I have insurance.  And if I get to the point of filing bankrupcy, the medical bills will be in there, but may or may not be the straw that breaks the camels back.

on Nov 03, 2008

"And if I get to the point of filing bankruptcy, the medical bills will be in there, but may or may not be the straw that breaks the camels back." But you're not talking about truly catastrophic care that breaks almost anybody's bank.

on Nov 03, 2008

But you're not talking about truly catastrophic care that bread almost anybody'd bank.

Not so far. But then how many people are we talking about?  Numbers.  If we are going to deprive 300 million people of their rights because of 100 people, dont you think there would be a better way to do it?

on Nov 03, 2008

Most Americans have medical insurance.  Those who are poor have Medicaid.  There is a group of Americans who choose not to have health insurance.  These are the facts.

So the argument is basically that those who choose not to have health insurance that have a health crisis should have their bills paid for by the people responsible enough to have health insurance?  Gee, that sounds great..

on Nov 03, 2008

So the argument is basically that those who choose not to have health insurance that have a health crisis should have their bills paid for by the people responsible enough to have health insurance?
That's precisely what the current system does! We all pay anyway. So why not make it mandatory as Hillary says? Not everyone has your self-reliance, you know, after all, since you now have the freedom to stop paying your health premiums you're not dumb enough to do so. But those less endowed do take that stupid option and should not be allowed to because frankly they don't know any better or are drastically impaired. Then there are those who simply and genuinely can't afford it; we must find a solution.

on Nov 04, 2008

So why not make it mandatory as Hillary says?

Want to go to jail?

I dont.  Maybe that is why.

on Nov 06, 2008

Want to go to jail?
Drivers aren't jailed; their licences are taken away. Without a health card, your bills are subject to garnishment.

on Nov 06, 2008

Drivers aren't jailed; their licences are taken away. Without a health card, your bills are subject to garnishment.

Tell that to the cop who stopped me.  Maybe I can sue him for false arrest.

And try getting a good job with a garnishment.

on Nov 06, 2008

That's precisely what the current system does! We all pay anyway. So why not make it mandatory as Hillary says? Not everyone has your self-reliance, you know, after all, since you now have the freedom to stop paying your health premiums you're not dumb enough to do so. But those less endowed do take that stupid option and should not be allowed to because frankly they don't know any better or are drastically impaired. Then there are those who simply and genuinely can't afford it; we must find a solution.

Because this is supposed to be the land of the free.  The government isn't here to rule us, it is here to serve us. The government shouldn't be forcing us to have insurance.  Auto insurance shouldn't be required either by the state.

on Nov 06, 2008

Honored??????? Bullshit!@!!!!!!!! How about it might be just, but I am never going to feel "honored " to have my pocket picked.

on Nov 07, 2008

How about it might be just, but I am never going to feel "honored " to have my pocket picked.
OMG, how rough you have it! Cool it with a !

Auto insurance shouldn't be required either by the state.
You'd change your tune quickly if your Porsche was creamed by an uninsured driver.

on Nov 07, 2008

And try getting a good job with a garnishment.
An incentive to join up.

on Nov 07, 2008

Auto insurance shouldn't be required either by the state.

You'd change your tune quickly if your Porsche was creamed by an uninsured driver.

It is actually not in all states.  In Virginia, you do not have to have insurance.  Lien companies require it, but the state does not.

And try getting a good job with a garnishment.

An incentive to join up.

Extortion now?  WOW!  I can see the next 4 years are going to be a case study in George Orwell.  And how it can happen to anyone.

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