Constructive gadfly
Published on August 30, 2008 By stevendedalus In Politics

 Although I’ve supported since Truman pushed for it in the late ’40s, universal healthcare can be put aside until we settle the horrendous issue of so many thousands going in hock or declaring bankruptcy owing to major medical bills in arrears. There should be for the uninsured and underinsured alike an accumulated floor one should have to pay for serious medical conditions. A youngster in his twenties barely above the minimum wage hit with appendicitis or a weekend sports injury should not be saddled with a bill of more than $500-1,000 and be given the chance to pay for it in easy payments before a collector agent pounds on his door. For young families who are belted with a medical catastrophe must be subject to humanitarian bailout. Nor should anyone in similar circumstances be threatened with foreclosures and repossessions.

The taxpayer should be honored to help those in dire financial need due medical catastrophe.

Copyright © 2008 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: Aug 30,  2008.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 24, 2008

WHoa! Nice jump there

Not a jump. You try to characterize those going through financial disaster because of medical catastrophe as "A self indulgent lazy ignoramus that wants to be coddled cradle to grave". Simply not true. If the average income American is having trouble paying for full medical coverage than the problem involves a lot more than you suggest.


So far, Mass has locked up a lot of law abiding citizens

Untrue. Shows that you don't even know what the penalty is for non-compliance. So go look it up real quick so you can find a way to backpeddle.


I in no way state that the Mass. plan is a good solution, but in fact think it was bad. It does nothing to reduce the high cost of medical care in that state, a state where the costs are well above the national average. It is a perfect example of how our political system is failing. It should be no surprise that Romney got more contributions from insurance companies than Clinton did as the primary season was gearing up.





on Sep 25, 2008

Not a jump. You try to characterize those going through financial disaster because of medical catastrophe as "A self indulgent lazy ignoramus that wants to be coddled cradle to grave". Simply not true. If the average income American is having trouble paying for full medical coverage than the problem involves a lot more than you suggest.

No that is the jump.  I commented on one case.  Not all cases, and I never said that.  Dont put words into my mouth.  What I have said and still maintain is that even the uninsured are not killed by unexpected medical bills.  There is bankruptcy which allows them to basically eliminate all debts and keep a homestead amount (if they have it).

But the second part of your statement is clearly false.  The "great medical crises" is causing less than 1% of Americans to file for bankruptcy.  That is hardly a crises.

on Sep 25, 2008

Untrue. Shows that you don't even know what the penalty is for non-compliance. So go look it up real quick so you can find a way to backpeddle.

No backpedalling, only hyperbole.  I know the penalty is just a fine.  I was just being sarcastic.  But since the sarcasm tags did not come through, good way to hold me to the truth as well.

Still, when we are talking about Bankruptcy and affordablitiy - it seems that Mass is just making the problem worse by penalizing people that perhaps cannot afford it (do you know all the expenses these people that do not want insurance have?  I dont think so).

on Sep 25, 2008

it seems that Mass is just making the problem worse by penalizing people that perhaps cannot afford it

Its hard to say. I dont live in Mass. so I dont what the cost of living is. It depends on the level set that determines getting assistance or govt coverage. The fine for non coverage is $1000. Compare that to the lowest lvl of assisted which is around $3600.  If the level is set properly it shouldnt be a problem so the worst case scenerio is paying $1000 to gamble without insurance coverage.

on Sep 25, 2008

good way to hold me to the truth as well.

You should expect that of me by atleast a reasonable explanation since the truth can be hard to find within all the propaganda that is being cast upon all of us these days.

on Sep 26, 2008

But the second part of your statement is clearly false. The "great medical crises" is causing less than 1% of Americans to file for bankruptcy. That is hardly a crises.

Never said it was a crisis just a growing problem. However it certainly isnt helpful when it results in foreclosure. Particularly when a 2% foreclosure rate is causing todays economic problems.

on Sep 26, 2008

However it certainly isnt helpful when it results in foreclosure. Particularly when a 2% foreclosure rate is causing todays economic problems.

You can lead a horse to water - but you cant make him drink.  Same thing here.  It is a contributing factor, but that is due to the fact that no matter how fool proof you make a systems, teh fools will always break it - they are ingenious when it comes to screwing up.  WHy?  No risk.  Thanks to the nanny state.

SO the real issue is not a medical crises, but just a population that has been taught there is no down side risk so they act like there is no tomorrow.  And when tomorrow comes, they are featured on the news as the poor victims.  When in fact they are the perpetrators, not the victims.

You can always find exceptions, but the majortiy are not like the poster child you see on TV.

on Sep 26, 2008

but just a population that has been taught there is no down side risk so they act like there is no tomorrow

This is very true, however the economic crisis is due to the folks on Wall St. The investment banks who created a model to provide a quick return, the ratings agencies who assigned inappropriate ratings on the securities backing up these models. Corporations who used these securities along with shady at best accounting methods to provide a quick return, etc. etc. etc. Some of these folks are the ones who do understand risk. But instead of dealing appropriately with the risk they took advantage of those who do not understand risk and lied to others that do so that they could make a hefty quick buck.

Yes we have a nanny state. Unfortunately the republican party is not the answer since they decided to become the corporations nanny. Nor is the democratic party the answer. They have evolved into a party that wanted to be both the peoples and the corporations nanny.

on Sep 26, 2008

Yes we have a nanny state. Unfortunately the republican party is not the answer since they decided to become the corporations nanny.

No, they are just as (well, not quite but almost) nanny as the democrats for citizens.  The Current Wall Street Crises, while it may look like republican due to constituencies, can actually be traced directly back to Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer.  That is not to say that Republicans have not been stupid before, but I dont recall them blaming democrats when it was their interference in the already passed regulations of the industries that caused the problems

on Sep 26, 2008

No, they are just as (well, not quite but almost) nanny as the democrats for citizens.

This is true....Its hard to pander votes if you dont cradle both groups.

The Current Wall Street Crises, while it may look like republican due to constituencies, can actually be traced directly back to Barney Frank and Chuck Schumer.

look at my post posted that fox video there but that is a perfect example of how fox forms a perfectly biased report based on using only specific information. I gotta give it to them on that one...Rupert and gang is very crafty.

on Sep 27, 2008

First off you threw in a ringer--nicer house--like the old Reaganites ranted about the Welfare Queen as though they were in abundance, a cheap trick

I'm fascinated to know why it is that someone with a higher amount of income isn't on average likely to be living in a nicer house than someone on a lower amount of income. That is, if you have 2 identical people, earning the exact same amount, and one has health insurance and one doesn't, then the person who doesn't has more money to spend (initially, before the hypothetical medical emergancy rears it's head). Thus it seems logical to say that on average that person is going to be able to afford to live in a nicer/better/more expensive house. I fail to see how pointing this out is a "cheap trick". The house could still be in a slum, since I'm talking about the relative 'niceness' of the two houses, not the absolute values.

Ultimately it's about risk and reward though, as I mentioned before - if you don't take insurance you get to benefit from the full upside of your risk (i.e. if you don't take insurance and don't get any medical bills, you keep the full 'profit' - the amount of money you would've been paying on the insurance). If you're proposing limiting the downside (capping the payment), then you'd need to restrict the upside (or else it's unfairly penalising those who do take out insurance relative to those who don't, in effect), which basically means you end up with a compulsory health insurance system - either take out private health insurance, or take up the state-provided one.

on Sep 27, 2008

you posted that fox video there

I have posted no videos.  However, there have been 2 posted that trace it back - to the democrats.  WHy?  2 reasons.  1 - It was well intended.  2 - Cronyism.  YOu lose.

Hard to falsify the congressional record. but you are welcome to argue that one too.  But dont expect me to argue with you since I reject the premise that the congressional record was tampered with by REPUBLICANS (democrats maybe).

on Sep 27, 2008

s. However, there have been 2 posted that trace it back - to the democrats

It traces back to both democrats and republicans......Unfortunately FOX edits their stories to make the flock think otherwise.


on Sep 28, 2008

It traces back to both democrats and republicans......Unfortunately FOX edits their stories to make the flock think otherwise.

Wrong again.  ONe was fox, one was not.  I know - now everyone is out to get the democrats.

And both?  We were watching different vidoes.

on Oct 09, 2008

Bankruptcy, however low the percentage nationally--and I question it is as low as you say--50% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills.

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