Constructive gadfly
Published on October 21, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Why would you retain loyalty for a commander in chief that ordered you into a combat zone without sufficient protective gear?

Were you that naive to think that a war of choice had such urgency, equivalent to post Pearl Harbor, that you would forgive your leaders for lack of preparation and strategy?

Why hold Kerry hostage for not voting the $87 billion when you knew that appropriations were but an Administrative afterthought and political ploy, and would take months to implement, nor even now have you perceived its effects?

Is not this afterthought evidence enough that the administration and Pentagon deliberately sent you into harm’s way without the necessary numbers and combat equipment?

Have you no guilt that your presence in Iraq has preëmpted the support for your comrades in Afghanistan?

Are you still not questioning your commander in chief while you patrolled the streets of Baghdad in your “civilian” humvees lacking side armor?

Did you still feel comfortable in your body armor that could barely stop a sidearm bullet without the necessary ceramic component?

Are you not misleading your families when you echo your president that the situation is well in hand when you know it isn’t — especially when a recent survey states that two-thirds of military personnel and their families believe Bush underestimated the number of troops needed for your mission?

Are you that gung ho that you do not harbor the slightest resentment that the much heralded coalition is nowhere to be seen, tucked away in their enclaves?

Are you still convinced that Kerry, who had some combat experience, would not empathize with your combat needs and forge a strategic initiative designed to strengthen the front lines and end the war with honor?

Wouldn’t you rather have General Zinni or Wes Clark as your Defense Secretary or either one coaxed out of retirement for appointment as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs?

Is it not time to be honest with yourselves?

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 21, 2004.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 21, 2004
Memo to the Troops

By: stevendedalus
Posted: Thursday, October 21, 2004 on
Message Board: Politics
Why would you retain loyalty for a commander in chief that ordered you into a combat zone without sufficient protective gear?
Were you that naive to think that a war of choice had such urgency, equivalent to post Pearl Harbor, that you would forgive your leaders for lack of preparation and strategy?
Why hold Kerry hostage for not voting the $87 billion when you knew that appropriations were but an Administrative afterthought and political ploy, and would take months to implement, nor even now have you perceived its effects?
Is not this afterthought evidence enough that the administration and Pentagon deliberately sent you into harm’s way without the necessary numbers and combat equipment?
Have you no guilt that your presence in Iraq has preëmpted the support for your comrades in Afghanistan?
Are you still not questioning your commander in chief while you patrolled the streets of Baghdad in your “civilian” humvees lacking side armor?
Did you still feel comfortable in your body armor that could barely stop a sidearm bullet without the necessary ceramic component?
Are you not misleading your families when you echo your president that the situation is well in hand when you know it isn’t — especially when a recent survey states that two-thirds of military personnel and their families believe Bush underestimated the number of troops needed for your mission?
Are you that gung ho that you do not harbor the slightest resentment that the much heralded coalition is nowhere to be seen, tucked away in their enclaves?
Are you still convinced that Kerry, who had some combat experience, would not empathize with your combat needs and forge a strategic initiative designed to strengthen the front lines and end the war with honor?
Wouldn’t you rather have General Zinni or Wes Clark as your Defense Secretary or either one coaxed out of retirement for appointment as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs?
Is it not time to be honest with yourselves?

This is pure sedition.

Miriam-Webster dictionary definition.of word sedition.

One entry found for sedition.

Main Entry: se·di·tion
Pronunciation: si-'di-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin sedition-, seditio, literally, separation, from se- apart + ition-, itio act of going, from ire to go -- more at SECEDE, ISSUE
: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority
on Oct 21, 2004
Outright the most ridiculous articule I read.
on Oct 21, 2004
Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage, the 7 Army Core Values is what the Army follows and last time I checked all my fellow infantrymen who went over had the best gear they could get.

Steve, this is more of a slap to the face of our Military than a observation and question to authority, you outright tell them through passive aggressive questioning that they are stupid for following someone that you dislike.

I think Doc Miler has said it best, this is sedition. Would you accept this line of questioning from someone when you went off to fight in World War II with the Marines? Seriously answer it honestly, because I know not all soldiers in World War II were well equipped and I know that some plans failed (i.e. Battle of the Bulge, etc.).

- GX

on Oct 21, 2004

Reply #3 By: Grim Xiozan - 10/21/2004 3:26:00 PM
Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage, the 7 Army Core Values is what the Army follows and last time I checked all my fellow infantrymen who went over had the best gear they could get.

Steve, this is more of a slap to the face of our Military than a observation and question to authority, you outright tell them through passive aggressive questioning that they are stupid for following someone that you dislike.

I think Doc Miler has said it best, this is sedition. Would you accept this line of questioning from someone when you went off to fight in World War II with the Marines? Seriously answer it honestly, because I know not all soldiers in World War II were well equipped and I know that some plans failed (i.e. Battle of the Bulge, etc.).

- GX

You missed a "big" one, Normandy, D-day. Damn, that sure didn't go as planned!
BTW thanks for standing up to be counted. It's not often that I can say I called it correctly. Although that is starting to change.
on Oct 21, 2004
It's only "sedition" because it's anti-Bush? That's rich. It's almost like you're calling him a traitor.

That someone would attempt to inspire someone to think before they vote is "sedition" is new to me. One would hope that we would all think about this. And another thing: I had hoped the day would never come when one of my fellow Americans is charged with "sedition" for speaking out against the President. I can see my hope has died.
on Oct 21, 2004
Reply #5 By: CraigAlan - 10/21/2004 3:42:07 PM
It's only "sedition" because it's anti-Bush? That's rich. It's almost like you're calling him a traitor

You sir need to go read the definition of the word "sedition" and then look at the original post again! It's pretty bad when a member of our armed forces (Grim X is in the Army) agrees with me on the content. And BTW, Grim AIN"T no Bush follower! So it's not about anti-Bush OR pro-Bush.
on Oct 21, 2004
My point, just to clarify, was the fact that he (stevendedalus) is/was attempting to call for the troops to think about how they felt and then vote. It's not like he's calling for a mutiny or a coup d'etat. He's calling for VOTES. Not a revolution, not an insurrection. VOTES. This is not your dictionary definition of sedition (and speaking of which the President is only a "lawful authority" because the People make him that), this is one person voicing his opinion. When did we stop having the right to do that?

For the record, I didn't call Grim a Bush follower. You put those words in my mouth.
on Oct 21, 2004
(Grim X is in the Army)

on Oct 21, 2004

Reply #7 By: CraigAlan - 10/21/2004 4:07:53 PM
For the record, I didn't call Grim a Bush follower. You put those words in my mouth.

Actually you inferred it when you said " It's only "sedition" because it's anti-Bush?
After that Grim agreed with me. So basically you tarred him with the same brush.
on Oct 21, 2004

Reply #8 By: Texas Wahine - 10/21/2004 4:15:04 PM
(Grim X is in the Army)

Why the doubtful look?
on Oct 21, 2004
Cause he's not in the Army . . . he's a college student.
on Oct 21, 2004

Reply #11 By: Texas Wahine - 10/21/2004 4:16:58 PM
Cause he's not in the Army . . . he's a college student.

So I guess he pulled that picture of him in uniform that he posted a couple of days ago (in army green BTW) out of thin air?
on Oct 21, 2004
He was in the Army, drmiler, he just isn't anymore.
on Oct 21, 2004
Actually you inferred it when you said " It's only "sedition" because it's anti-Bush?
After that Grim agreed with me. So basically you tarred him with the same brush

It seems very clear to me that you're avoiding the issue here. Maybe I did "tar him" with the same brush, but if so it was inadvertent. I could, I suppose, apologize to Grim for doing so, but I haven't seen him post on here since then. But really, that's not the point here... the point is about the Definition of Sedition vs. Freedom of Speech. If you want to play defense for someone else, that's fine by me, but realize that you're completely avoiding the argument.
on Oct 21, 2004
Look the original post is outright misleading. Of course you can vote for Kerry if you serve in the arm force, but that is not the point of the post, is it? By the way, I certianly don't want Wesley Clark to be secretary of defense or anything remote like that. The guy understand no team work and frankly arrogant is too kind a word for him. Why the hell, did you think Clinton fire Clark? Clinton first helped Clark to raised through rank, but later on fired him. Whatever the reason is, Clark doesn't get along with other generals.
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