Constructive gadfly
Published on October 20, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

How can a majority favor Bush in response to a poll that says the country is headed in the wrong direction and is in need of change? Apparently the inference here is that the president is on training wheels and in the next four years he will get better at it. Let’s be patient, though the president himself is never patient, there’s a good chance he will begin at least to seek advice from the moderates of his party instead of God and His evangelical disciples. Why, he might even behave himself and extend token respect for the opposing party. Conceivably, he might even propose to rollback some taxes on the rich to jumpstart his slowpoke economy! Besides, what in the world could the founding fathers be thinking of, limiting a presidential term to four years — after all, elementary school is eight years!

Another poll shows overwhelmingly that the president is regarded as a strong wartime leader; despite still another poll that shows a majority now thinks the war in Iraq was a mistake. Well, that’s an improvement from the Vietnam war wherein a majority was against the war but would not go so far as to deem it a mistake. Apparently it is easier for Americans to admit to a mistake when only 1,100 troops died in contrast to 58,000. Landing on the aircraft looked good, though not exactly on a par with Washington crossing the Delaware; nevertheless, he is a strong leader because with a bullhorn and ground zero as a backdrop, he sure can roar with decisiveness. Let’s be fair about this: he got it almost right in Afghanistan, which should be enough to forgive him for botching Iraq. Ergo, have faith that in the next four years this C minus student might even get a B minus.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 20, 2004.

on Oct 20, 2004
A very humorous article. And all good comedy has a healthy dose of truth in it.
on Oct 20, 2004
It just really boggles the mind, doesn't it?
on Oct 20, 2004
Right track/wrong direction is a much broader scope than the Presidency. While it is an indicator for the election, the litmus test that generally requires a majority is job approval.

Why do people think Bush is a strong leader even if they think Iraq was a mistake? I don't think it has anything to do with bullhorns and aircraft carriers. I think President Bush really is a strong, decisive leader who does what he thinks is right. Now, as any liberal can tell you, you can be strong but still be wrong. I think it's perfectly reasonable to suggest that someone can be resolute even if they make the wrong decisions.

If war in Iraq was the wrong choice, why did the Democrats nominate someone who, prior to 2003, was very much in favor of removing Saddam?

While war is generally unpopular in America, tyranny is even more unpopular. A candidate who would openly proclaim that the US would be better off with Saddam in power, the logical consequence of not going to war, would be soundly beaten.
on Oct 20, 2004
Ground Zero: George W. Bush must be the only President to ever turn having 3000 American civilians die on his watch into a re-election asset.
on Oct 20, 2004
Bush Wobbly on Training Wheels

By: stevendedalus
Posted: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 on Jim's Joint
Message Board: Politics
y. Conceivably, he might even propose to rollback some taxes on the rich to jumpstart his slowpoke economy!

Slow-poke economy MY FOOT! You obviously haven't been looking.
on Oct 20, 2004
This is great, steven.

How can a majority favor Bush in response to a poll that says the country is headed in the wrong direction and is in need of change?

Another poll shows overwhelmingly that the president is regarded as a strong wartime leader; despite still another poll that shows a majority now thinks the war in Iraq was a mistake.

Flip flopping, eh?

on Oct 20, 2004

Reply #6 By: Texas Wahine - 10/20/2004 1:42:28 PM
This is great, steven.

How can a majority favor Bush in response to a poll that says the country is headed in the wrong direction and is in need of change?

Another poll shows overwhelmingly that the president is regarded as a strong wartime leader; despite still another poll that shows a majority now thinks the war in Iraq was a mistake.

Flip flopping, eh?

Sorry Tex, but did you read Madines post?
on Oct 20, 2004
Sorry Tex, but did you read Madines post?

While Madine is a lovely and articulate person, we tend to disagree on pretty much everything. Additionally, I was being a bit humorous (trying anyway!) rather than dead serious. Oh well.
on Oct 20, 2004

Maybe some of the people support Bush for the same reason most of the people support Kerry: They consider him to be the lesser of two evils.

on Oct 20, 2004
While Madine is a lovely and articulate person, we tend to disagree on pretty much everything. Additionally, I was being a bit humorous (trying anyway!) rather than dead serious. Oh well.
I share your view on Madine; and incidentally, the humor is warranted since the blog had it too.
If war in Iraq was the wrong choice, why did the Democrats nominate someone who, prior to 2003, was very much in favor of removing Saddam?
The madness is in the method, not the belief.
on Oct 20, 2004

Ground Zero: George W. Bush must be the only President to ever turn having 3000 American civilians die on his watch into a re-election asset.
Some of the families of victims seem to think they have a strong shoulder to cry on. Did you see that ad?--grimly exploitive.

Champ, I'm glad you caught the humor.