Constructive gadfly
Published on October 19, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

What are your solutions? Here are some examples:

1. Stick with more of the same.

2. Iraqi forces to fight insurgents, with a small contingent of US troops as advisors only.

3. The administration threatens to pull out U.S. Forces unless Russia, Germany and France support NATO occupation with their own substantial forces.

4. Build up a strong American security force clustered round UN peacekeeping forces in Baghdad.

5. Guarantee Ayatollah Sistani majority Shi’a representation in coming elections.

6. Insist that Egypt send a significant number of troops under the aegis of the UN or lose their $3billion in annual U.S. aid.

7. The administration to adopt Kerry’s call for an immediate summit meeting of Middle East and Western allies, admit to blunders, and urge a new call to multilateralism for the purpose of securing and rebuilding Iraq.

8. Invite the European Union to assist the UN in supervising elections as they had in Afghanistan.

9. Remove the visibility of US troops by deploying them to all borders to prevent foreign incursions.

10. An all- out assault on insurgent held cities, regardless of political consequences.

on Oct 19, 2004
I'd say either #2 or #10. But then that's just my opinion.
on Oct 19, 2004
Option #11: Nuclear Holocaust

"Animals don't have nuclear arms! You can't hug your children with Nuclear Arms!!" - Lisa(?) Pet Shop Owner who goes out with Grim (Family Guy)
on Oct 19, 2004
I'd say either #2 or #10.
The extremes, I trust?
on Oct 19, 2004
Reply #3 By: stevendedalus - 10/19/2004 8:09:17 PM
I'd say either #2 or #10.
The extremes, I trust?

Extreme? How is #2 an extreme? Now #10 is a different story.
on Oct 19, 2004
7. The administration to adopt Kerry’s call for an immediate summit meeting of Middle East and Western allies, admit to blunders, and urge a new call to multilateralism for the purpose of securing and rebuilding Iraq.

Let's do it, Americans are getting bled financially dry by this war. How about giving an alternative to the path of preemptive deficits?
on Oct 20, 2004

Let's do it, Americans are getting bled financially dry by this war. How about giving an alternative to the path of preemptive deficits?
Bloody well said, Def[icits]. 

Drmiler, as in extreme opposites.

on Oct 20, 2004

Reply #6 By: stevendedalus - 10/20/2004 1:00:59 AM
Drmiler, as in extreme opposites.

Ohhhhhhhh. Now I see.
on Oct 20, 2004
I wouldn't have gone in the first place, but since it is too late for that:

1) Fire Rumsfeld's sorry ass (I can't stand that guy) and replace him with Colin Powell
2) Train Iraqi security forces to deal with it
3) Get help from other Muslim countries
4) Some sort of "sensitivity training" for the army, to prevent more Abu Ghraibs
5) Get EU and UN help with elections
6) As distasteful as it is, negotiate with some important leaders of insurgents like al-Sadr (obviously you can't negotiate with the ones who say "drive the infidels into the sea and burn Amarica down")
7) Don't piss off the UN so much and ask for help
8) Admit your mistakes instead of being so damn stubborn
9) Get a new President
10) Negotiate with leaders of major religions to try to get a call to disarm the insurgents and militias
11) Most importantly: Try not to piss of Iraqis so you don't breed more terrorists
on Oct 20, 2004
4) Some sort of "sensitivity training" for the army, to prevent more Abu Ghraibs

The depraved actions of few of our reservist soldiers at Abu Ghraib is in no way indicative of the character or morality of the entirety of our Army. Abu Ghraib is the exception to the rule. The majority of our soldiers desire nothing more than to make a difference and bravely and honestly serve our country. Additionally, soldiers spend an unbelievable amount of time being "briefed," and trained, and taking classes. They've likely had more "sensitivity training" than Michael Jackson's had slumber parties. Meh.

*sorry for the hijack, steven*
on Oct 20, 2004
1) Fire Rumsfeld's sorry ass (I can't stand that guy) and replace him with Colin Powell

So you want to take Colin from his post as Secretary of State and move him to SecDef, how about get someone else instead of moving Colin from his position in which he is in a better serving capacity as SecState.

Nice plans, though what do you do with the Islamo-Fascists in the region who want to kill everybody who is not Muslim?

- Grim Skull for the Dead Girl
on Oct 20, 2004
Reply #8 By: latour999 - 10/20/2004 1:08:30 PM
I wouldn't have gone in the first place, but since it is too late for that:

1) Fire Rumsfeld's sorry ass (I can't stand that guy) and replace him with Colin Powell
2) Train Iraqi security forces to deal with it

We are training them!
on Oct 20, 2004
1) Fire Rumsfeld's sorry ass (I can't stand that guy) and replace him with Colin Powell
Since some would rather Powell stay where he is, why not cross party lines and replace Rumy with Gen. Clark? Excellent offerings.
The depraved actions of few of our reservist soldiers at Abu Ghraib is in no way indicative of the character or morality of the entirety of our Army. Abu Ghraib is the exception to the rule.
Right on! Too much is made of this.
on Oct 21, 2004
Since some would rather Powell stay where he is, why not cross party lines and replace Rumy with Gen. Clark?

Nah, General Franks is the better choice!
on Oct 21, 2004
I think it comes down to #10. Even if we manage to scrape together 30k troops via arm-twisting, would the situation improve if we did not attack insurgent strongholds?

on Oct 21, 2004
Surprisngly, I agree, Madine. I'm afraid that is the grim reality.