Constructive gadfly
Published on October 16, 2004 By stevendedalus In Misc

Teaching to some is a manufacturing job, in which only the face of the product changes each year.

Missing from politics is the poetry of true passion.

In my youth, the girl most cherished was content with a 15 cent movie, an ice cream soda and a kiss at her front door.

Those who pray the loudest must think God is hard of hearing.

True prayer is unvarnished verse.

What this country needs is simply a damn good thinker in the White House.

True wealth is measured by the extent of its philanthropy.

Is George W. Bush in the throes of Custer’s last stand?

There is no clear line between impulsive action and insanity.

The sum of Kerry’s wit circles the globe; the sum of our president’s wit circles the ranch.



Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 17, 2004.

on Oct 17, 2004
I am amazed by you.

Those who pray the loudest must think God is hard of hearing.

They are all great, but I think that one is my favorite. Great stuff.
on Oct 17, 2004
Perhaps they should send Him/She a hearing-aid by their private heaven-shuttle.  Thanks.
on Oct 17, 2004
I love them all again! My two favorites are...

"Missing from politics is the poetry of true passion."

"True wealth is measured by the extent of its philanthropy."

Keep em coming!!!