Constructive gadfly
& Random Observations
Published on October 15, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

While investigations of UN corruption in the oil for food program, another accounting firm for the UN monitoring the stewardship of oil proceeds since the invasion and US Iraqi reconstruction, discovered that funds, amounting to hundreds of millions, doled out with little effort to justify or account for expenditures. The old story, easy come easy go. … Because of Iraq instability, precluding accountability, fifty-four donor nations have withheld their pledges in reconstruction, but now promise to release $246 million for next year. … It helps but in juxtaposition of US costs it is pittance. … Bush has exceeded the debt ceiling of $7.4 trillion; so the logical remedy is to stop paying into pension funds that have already been dipped into anyway. … The Green Zone — the gala haven resembling Saigon thirty years ago — is no longer safe since the Iraqis are now largely in control of security.… If you think it doesn’t matter what judge you vote for, think again, Mississippi decided to abolish Medicaid for 50,000 residents who were disabled and elderly; a judge got heart and overturned it. … A federal panel of medical experts finally admitted to the obvious that Desert Storm veterans with ills are definitely unique from veterans of other wars due to exposure to neurotoxins, such as Sarin nerve gas and a preventive bromide issued to troops to protect them from the same — tragic case of catch-twenty two. … Anyone prone to heavy vices had better not visit Fresno, the capital of intravenous drug addiction. The national average of IV shooters is 60 per 10,000; in Fresno it is 178 per thousand, and worse, 75% of the users have hepatitis C. Schwarzenegger signed a law making it easier of drug addicts to obtain clean needles. [Only to be shared again?]

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 15, 2004.

on Oct 17, 2004
And they are important random observations!

"A federal panel of medical experts finally admitted to the obvious that Desert Storm veterans with ills are definitely unique from veterans of other wars due to exposure to neurotoxins, such as Sarin nerve gas and a preventive bromide issued to troops to protect them from the same"

Not hearing much about this one, are we?
on Oct 17, 2004
They had a report on NPR about this supposed link with neurotoxins and Gulf War syndrome...doctors are still arguing over it, there are cases from the Sarin attack in Japan in which large levels of sarin exposure have had none of the effects associated with gulf war the jury's still out on this one -- but no, WF it's not getting talked about a lot, so thanks steven for printing it along with all these other things...
on Oct 17, 2004
sorry, meant to include a link to that NPR story

here ya go


on Oct 17, 2004
If not the Sarin, then its antidote? Clean needles, anyone?
on Oct 17, 2004

Do you think the next limit should be raised to $10 or $12 trillion just to save time when the debt gets there? I mean, we want to be expedient in doing this, it increases the time we have to spend the money in the first place.

The CBOT said yesterday that $75 per barrel for oil was possible in the next several months, which they claimed would be "absorbable" by the American economy. So, since they are in Chicago, I think intravenous drug use isn't limited to Fresno!
on Oct 19, 2004
they claimed would be "absorbable" by the American economy.
Yes, the credit cards can do wonders, except all will be maxed out! And yes drugs are everywhere.