Constructive gadfly
Scaring Voters
Published on October 15, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Sowell, the conservative syndicated columnist is once more viewing the nation through the right eye. He is concerned, because the country is divided, that voters will not vote rationally and suggests that voter choice should be base on informed decisions. That’s like saying ghetto schools should strive for elitism or the voting should be limited to an aristocracy.

His troubled concerns are naturally limited to the ignorant left:

          Scaring old people that their Social Security is threatened [very old hat]

          Ninety percent of blacks vote Democrat because they fear “racism” from the right. He points out that it is bogus on the strength of appointments of the first black secretary of state, and national security advisor. Yet the Democrats use another ploy of black vote suppression conducted by Republicans.

          Edwards two Americas is another ploy to increase low-minded voters to turn out.

          Greater need for intelligent voting when the nation faces a “greater peril than the nuclear stand-off during the Cold War.” He further suggest that votes are “short-sighted” when cast for what “the government can do for them … during a war against worldwide terror networks.”

He childishly ends his epistle [echo of Cheney, perhaps?] with: “What good would it do to get free prescription drugs forever if your forever is likely to be cut short by more attacks like those on Sept. 11, 2001.” Free prescriptions? — now that’s a stretch.

Obviously, he fails to comprehend his own voting tactic that the only “informed” motivation to vote is fear.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 15, 2004.

on Oct 15, 2004
Yeah, I've been raging against Thomas Sowell for awhile. He's a real nutcase.
on Oct 15, 2004
I know you have. He's the original chock full of nuts.
on Oct 15, 2004
You know, the scare tactics are getting worse. I hear time again that people speaking against the war should called treasonous. I think this is treason. I think this is terrorism.
on Oct 15, 2004
I think this is treason. I think this is terrorism.
Exactly, and if they had their way we would have been beheaded.
on Oct 15, 2004
One Sided: The RIGHT Way

By: stevendedalus
Posted: Friday, October 15, 2004 on
Message Board: Politics
Sowell, the conservative syndicated columnist is once more viewing the nation through the right eye. He is concerned, because the country is divided, that voters will not vote rationally and suggests that voter choice should be base on informed decisions. That’s like saying ghetto schools should strive for elitism or the voting should be limited to an aristocracy.
His troubled concerns are naturally limited to the ignorant left:
• Scaring old people that their Social Security is threatened [very old hat]
• Ninety percent of blacks vote Democrat because they fear “racism” from the right. He points out that it is bogus on the strength of appointments of the first black secretary of state, and national security advisor. Yet the Democrats use another ploy of black vote suppression conducted by Republicans.
• Edwards two Americas is another ploy to increase low-minded voters to turn out.
• Greater need for intelligent voting when the nation faces a “greater peril than the nuclear stand-off during the Cold War.” He further suggest that votes are “short-sighted” when cast for what “the government can do for them … during a war against worldwide terror networks.”
He childishly ends his epistle [echo of Cheney, perhaps?] with: “What good would it do to get free prescription drugs forever if your forever is likely to be cut short by more attacks like those on Sept. 11, 2001.” Free prescriptions? — now that’s a stretch.
Obviously, he fails to comprehend his own voting tactic that the only “informed” motivation to vote is fear.

You know it's been said (and it makes sense) that fear is a great motivator. I think they're using it to make people get out and vote!
on Oct 15, 2004

Obviously, he fails to comprehend his own voting tactic that the only “informed” motivation to vote is fear.
Sadly the fear tactic works, I still can't believe that people believe Cheney when he states that a vote for Kerry may leave us vulnerable to an attack.  People actually believe he is being sincere.  It's a sad state of affairs.  Churches are actually saying voting for Kerry is a sin!  So now we have to not only fear terrorism when voting for Kerry but God as well?  It's not right...


on Oct 15, 2004
It's crazy. I hear that a vote for the wrong person will result in the end of the nation (or even the world). Neither Kerry nor Bush will destroy the nation or the world. Only when people understand that will people be able to act sensibly.
on Oct 16, 2004
It's crazy. I hear that a vote for the wrong person will result in the end of the nation (or even the world). Neither Kerry nor Bush will destroy the nation or the world. Only when people understand that will people be able to act sensibly.
To be sure, the earth will turn, regardless.
So now we have to not only fear terrorism when voting for Kerry but God as well?
Good statement.
on Oct 16, 2004
You can make people do anything if you keep them stupid and scared
on Oct 16, 2004
You can make people do anything if you keep them stupid and scared
Amen, brother.
on Oct 16, 2004
I'm almost becoming numb to this vomitous, repititious, regurgitation of garbage. Almost. Apparently, I still feel the painful prick of stupidity. What I've garnered from your little article is that you think most people are dumber than oxen. You may well be right. I am, as you see, replying.

First, the Left does repeatedly claim the Right will do away with Social Security. I personally hope they do. I'm tired of paying for the shortsightedness of people who can't manage their own funds. There is no cause to rely upon the federal government to sustain you when you retire. The federal government was never meant to be a babysitter for old folks. Social Security has always been a scam, meant to bilk people out of money. They were never supposed to live long enough to even be able to draw from it. Having been witness to the incompetence of the government in social programs, who in their right mind would subscribe to this?

The majority of blacks vote Democrat because they have been programmed to do so. The Democrats have promised for at least 40 years to make life better for the black community and have given nothing in return for votes. Republicans have done more for black people than Democrats can ever do. Welfare is a liberal tool to crumble the fabric of black families. It never started out that way, but it sure helped. Without a man in the house, the family unit is broken and instead of being a helping hand it is a way of life. Affirmative action is nothing more than a slap in the face to black people. It tells black people they are too damn dumb to get a real job, so the government will make it a law that you have to employ a black person, regardless of qualifications, in order to stem off lawsuits, fines, disgrace for being racist.

Edwards' "two America's" is nothing more than class warfare. If you don't believe it, you are the one you said he's talking about. The rich in the U.S. have earned it, minus a very small percentage who have inherited it. If you aren't secure enough in your ability to rise above adversity, that's your problem. If you want to judge, judge character, not bank accounts. It's the "keeping up with the Joneses" syndrome that plagued the 80's and 90's especially. If you want something, work for it, don't ask for a damn handout because you can't handle a little work.

We do face a larger crisis than the Cold War. Invasion was never an issue in the Cold War. It was weapons launched from far away. Now it's weapons launched in your local mall, government building, airport, sports facility. The Communists never kidnapped civilians in the Philippines, never beheaded people in the name of God, never blew themselves up in a coffee shop for their cause.

on Oct 17, 2004
We do face a larger crisis than the Cold War. Invasion was never an issue in the Cold War. It was weapons launched from far away. Now it's weapons launched in your local mall, government building, airport, sports facility. The Communists never kidnapped civilians in the Philippines, never beheaded people in the name of God, never blew themselves up in a coffee shop for their cause.
Right--never mind that the entire globe hung in the balance with two superpowers on edge. 
on Oct 17, 2004

Voodoo: I can see that you are appropriately named — you’re very good with the pincushion. Actually it is you and Sowell who think the people are dumber than oxen. Social security has never been accepted by the Republican Party from the outset; there’s little to gain by incessant repetition. I trust, you are in a position to baby sit your own parents, Chinese style, eh? Besides, social security is more than a pension — it’s a safety net for those deserving a little help to get through rough times. If you expect total self reliance, then, I assume you favor a greater distribution of wealth.

Without a man in the house, the family unit is broken and instead of being a helping hand it is a way of life. I’m surprised you didn’t mention the “Welfare Queen.”

On the contrary, affirmative action is designed to mend the years of discrimination that has labeled them as “too damn dumb,” not to mention the flagrant resistance to hire them even for low-life jobs, which is but one example of “Two Americas” that Sowell, himself black, who boasts he’s self-made, denies others equal opportunity to aim for at least a taste of dignity and independence. Moreover, it is simplistic to think that those in the lower ranks of society are there because they are looking for handouts; and it is indeed Voodoo to personally prick me with your venomous needles, presuming I am unable to “rise above adversity.” It is precisely this wrathful reasoning that conjures class warfare when you express unwarranted superiority as exclusively your domain and that of your ilk. Finally, your cavalier contention that Communism was not a severe threat without acknowledging the multitude of sacrifice in Korea and Vietnam and the agonizing diplomacy to prevent the end of the world.