Constructive gadfly
Published on October 14, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

            The appointment of at least two more Supreme Court Justices like Scalia and Thomas is not just going to affect Roe vs. Wade but a host of others in behalf of the Christian Right — stem cells, faith-based initiatives, religious tests for employment in religious groups, funds for AIDS with abstinence and no contraceptives, vouchers for parochial school.

            Preëmptive strike will still be the order of the next four years.

            Tort reform that favors insurance companies and corporations at the expense of the victims. The right justifies it by citing excessive take of the lawyers, forgetting that their fees, including the enormous cost of legal preparation and witnesses, are contingent and receive nothing if the case is lost. This “reform” is a front for the continuation of further corporate cavalier and slipshod manner that creates bean-counting, along with the adamant stance of many insurance companies.

            Continued misinformation is a fact of politics and if the citizenry is so stupid that it cannot see through the maze of deceptions, the populace deserves to be fooled.

            Hawks will still be lauded and peaceniks vilified for not accepting the obvious that Islam must be aggressively chastened.

            The manicured garden of plutocracy will flourish into a jungle.

            The overseas exploitation of reservists and national guard will be institutionalized at the expense of homeland security.

And so it goes. …



Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 15, 2004.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 15, 2004
You would like to know who the troops want to vote for? Go to any of the "Times" (Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times). They did a poll on this issue. I could tell you what the printed answer is but I really don't want to hear from the rest that I don't know what I'm talking about.

There are a couple of problems with that . . .

1. Army Times leans right; it's likely that the largest percentage of AT readers also lean right, so you're really not getting the full picture.

2. Deployed soldiers are less likely to have participated in the poll, as it was conducted via email (to my knowledge anyway . . . that's the form in which we received it).

In mine and my husband's experience, just as many soldiers are against Bush as for him (though not neccessarily FOR Kerry).
on Oct 15, 2004
Personally, I'm afraid of what will happen to the military should Kerry gain office.
Your fear is unwarranted; and aside from the troops hatred for Clinton the draft dodger, I fail to see how terrible it was during his reign. 
Stevend, if you don't think the troops are overwhelmingly in favor of Bush then I hate to break it to you but you're not living in reality.
I objected to "overwhelmingly" not contesting that a majority was for Bush. It would tone down your rhetoric if you read Texas Wahine reasonable conditions.
on Oct 15, 2004
"plutocracy" stuff, pretending that there was ever a time that the wealthy WEREN'T in charge.
I admitted it was always around, you know, "manicured," but not since before FDR has this class gotten out of hand.
Bush does not have that good of a record for being in there for the military.
A classic understatement.
Why don't you tell that to the doctors in many states that can no longer afford to treat patients because the $200,000 a year malpractice insurance is just too high.
Doctors should direct this to their robber baron insurance comoanies. 
As always, you open your fly and let it dangle when you say:
Gauche humor; However, this is not my thinking but rather the  arrogant thrust of Republicans believing that they can get away with their phony "compassion" forever, while treating commoners with contempt. 
In mine and my husband's experience, just as many soldiers are against Bush as for him (though not neccessarily FOR Kerry).
A very reasonable, untainted observation.
on Oct 15, 2004

Your fear is unwarranted; and aside from the troops hatred for Clinton the draft dodger, I fail to see how terrible it was during his reign.

Perhaps that's because you weren't enlisted during his reign? 

My husband was.  We got downsized.....something we're still trying to get over 4 years later.  It may not seem like a big deal on the outside, but when you're in the service and your depolyment rate's a big deal.

I made some phone calls to some friends who recently returned from a deployment in Iraq.  Of the 13 I talked to, 9 were pro-Bush, 3 were unimpressed with Bush but had a 'anybody but Kerry' attitude, and one was pro-Kerry. 

*sits back, waiting for someone to tell her her poll base is biased*

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