Constructive gadfly
Published on October 14, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

            The appointment of at least two more Supreme Court Justices like Scalia and Thomas is not just going to affect Roe vs. Wade but a host of others in behalf of the Christian Right — stem cells, faith-based initiatives, religious tests for employment in religious groups, funds for AIDS with abstinence and no contraceptives, vouchers for parochial school.

            Preëmptive strike will still be the order of the next four years.

            Tort reform that favors insurance companies and corporations at the expense of the victims. The right justifies it by citing excessive take of the lawyers, forgetting that their fees, including the enormous cost of legal preparation and witnesses, are contingent and receive nothing if the case is lost. This “reform” is a front for the continuation of further corporate cavalier and slipshod manner that creates bean-counting, along with the adamant stance of many insurance companies.

            Continued misinformation is a fact of politics and if the citizenry is so stupid that it cannot see through the maze of deceptions, the populace deserves to be fooled.

            Hawks will still be lauded and peaceniks vilified for not accepting the obvious that Islam must be aggressively chastened.

            The manicured garden of plutocracy will flourish into a jungle.

            The overseas exploitation of reservists and national guard will be institutionalized at the expense of homeland security.

And so it goes. …



Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 15, 2004.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 15, 2004
I would definitely prefer Bush to pick the next supreme court justices to Kerry.

Tort reform is badly needed. And obviously anything that cuts down on billions going to victims over the slighest thing favors companies. Oh well. Right now we live in a society where getting a bad medical result is treated as negligence. That has to go away.

Given the nonsense of the Clinton years, the first 4 Bush years have been a breath of candid fresh air.

Yes, militant islam needs to be fought. It's not Chinese or Koreans or Brazilians or Germans who are blowing things up around the world. It's a relatively tiny percentage of people that have one thing in common - militant Islam. Better to have someone who will fight it than someone who looks to manage its levels.

If you are so worried about how the troops feel, how about we let them decide who the next President will be. I'm so tired of Democrats trying to play the troops as some sort of sad saps when they know that if you polled them, they overwhelmingly support Bush over Kerry.
on Oct 15, 2004

Democrats trying to play the troops as some sort of sad saps
Your words not mine. But this time I think you will find that no longer are they overwhelmingly for Bush.
Yes, militant islam needs to be fought.
Many times I proposed a cold war against Islam.
And obviously anything that cuts down on billions going to victims over the slighest thing favors companies.
Tort reform targets "serious things" more than "the slightest thing."

Have a restful sleep.


on Oct 15, 2004
These leftist extremist scare tactics never cease to amaze and amuse me. The size of your superiority complex must be enormous for you to label our populace as stupid and foolish. You can take comfort in the fact that many of your liberal elitists feel the same way that you do Did it ever occur to you that you might be a victim of your own doomsday rhetoric, that your liberal masters might have clouded your judgement as well. I especially enjoyed your rant on tort reform favoring insurance companies at the expense of victims. Why don't you tell that to the doctors in many states that can no longer afford to treat patients because the $200,000 a year malpractice insurance is just too high. Is it any wonder when you have idiots that can't read a sign that says WET FLOOR winning millions in damages. How about "obese" people that actually get lawyers to file lawsuits against fast food chains for making them FAT. There are billions of dollars wasted on this type of stupidity in our courts. I could go on and on but the nature and intention of this article does not require it.
on Oct 15, 2004
Steve, this doesn't look right - did you really write this?

This dovetails nicely with the Kerry's pander, pander, pander rhetoric - Scare, Scare, Scare. Things are scary enough, Steve - we can all make up our own minds about what to fear without all the sky-is-gonna-fall stuff.


on Oct 15, 2004

Stevend, if you don't think the troops are overwhelmingly in favor of Bush then I hate to break it to you but you're not living in reality.

Heck, a recent polling of troops from a week or so showed a huge lead for Bush.  I can't find the article now but I found one from USA today that was more informal but still quite telling:

If Kerry loses, I think it will partially be because his supporters have become so out of touch with reality that they pushed positions that were simply not backed up by reality.

I don't want a cold war against militant Islam btw. I want it eliminated.

on Oct 15, 2004
I don't want a cold war against militant Islam btw. I want it eliminated.

the whole concept of a cold war would be impossible with Islamic extremists because they have no concept of self preservation. There survival is not a prerequisite to victory. Only our total annihilation. During our "cold war" with the Soviet Union, a military buildup on both sides meant mutually assured destruction and thereby acted as a deterrent. There is no such deterrent for radicals that have no respect for human life (more specifically - there own)
on Oct 15, 2004
Actually, I think a lot of that would make a good Bush ad, i.e. the majority of them are cool with me. The only problems i find is your same silly "plutocracy" stuff, pretending that there was ever a time that the wealthy WEREN'T in charge.

As always, you open your fly and let it dangle when you say:

"Continued misinformation is a fact of politics and if the citizenry is so stupid that it cannot see through the maze of deceptions, the populace deserves to be fooled."

If Bush wins, people are stupid, and if Kerry wins, people are smart... like you... allegedly... though it always sounds a bit sad when you are the one alleging.
on Oct 15, 2004
I can't think of a good reason for fast food restaurants to stay in business, and they do, to some small degree, cause people to be unhealthily fat. So, heck, I might even argue that all the good that may come of tort reform should be thrown out in the hopes that litigation against cigarette manufacturers and McDonald's actually have a chance of denting those mega corps' profit margins
on Oct 15, 2004
... hopes that litigation against cigarette manufacturers and McDonald's actually have a chance of denting those mega corps' profit margins

Why on earth do people want money taken away from corporations, owned by stock holders like you and me, employing millions like you and me, only to be given to class action lawyers who are MORE wealthy than those corporate "fat cats" people hate...

It is silly. A class action I was involved in sent me a check for $25. The fee for the law firm that ran the scam was several million. Yep, stick those nasty corporations so that lawyers can buy a summer house and I can buy lunch...
on Oct 15, 2004
Most contraceptives don't prevent the spread of AIDS.

Kerry says he favors pre-emption as long as it passes the global test.

Other than John Edwards' haircut, what are the enormous costs of legal preperations? Contingency fees mean that when lawyers win, they need to rake in enough money to pay for the cases they lost.

Why do Democrats act as though it is outrageous to deploy reserve units in a time of war? You didn't hear Republicans bleating about a backdoor draft when Clinton sent reserve units to Kosovo.
on Oct 15, 2004

Stevend, if you don't think the troops are overwhelmingly in favor of Bush then I hate to break it to you but you're not living in reality.

This may not mean much, because obviously I don't know the entire military...but I can tell you that everyone I know is in favor of Bush.  There's a good reason for that - military personel recall what life was like during Clinton's presidency.  They're acutely aware of which side their bread is buttered on, and they're going to vote for the person who they believe is going to protect their interests and at least maintain (if not improve) their way of life.  Simple, but true....

Personally, I'm afraid of what will happen to the military should Kerry gain office.

on Oct 15, 2004
59% of those surveyed were Republican. I would be more interested in learning who the troops right in Iraq are voting for. There is much coming out.
Bush does not have that good of a record for being in there for the military. He is only just recently trying to do more, some would say due to the election.

A great blog!!!
on Oct 15, 2004
BakerStreet -
If Bush wins, people are stupid, and if Kerry wins, people are smart... like you... allegedly... though it always sounds a bit sad when you are the one alleging

He has never claimed to be smart. He just is.
on Oct 15, 2004
Reply #8 By: Zod (Anonymous) - 10/15/2004 1:26:29 AM
I can't think of a good reason for fast food restaurants to stay in business, and they do, to some small degree, cause people to be unhealthily fat.

Wrong assumption. Do they grab people by the arm and *force* them to come in and eat? No! The fast food places are a reality for one reason only. The American people wanted them.
on Oct 15, 2004

Reply #12 By: WiseFawn - 10/15/2004 10:20:26 AM
59% of those surveyed were Republican. I would be more interested in learning who the troops right in Iraq are voting for. There is much coming out.
Bush does not have that good of a record for being in there for the military. He is only just recently trying to do more, some would say due to the election.

A great blog!!!

You would like to know who the troops want to vote for? Go to any of the "Times" (Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times). They did a poll on this issue. I could tell you what the printed answer is but I really don't want to hear from the rest that I don't know what I'm talking about.
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