Apparently many conservatives rush to the defense of corporate bodies they lionize as gods of Olympus endowed with divine wisdom. Or is it simply more out of hatred for anything smelling governmental? Criticism of multinationals and corporations does not necessarily infer dictatorial government action. Then again, if indeed there is such love for corporations that deliver the goodies of this affluent nation, then why criticism at all? — surely the gods are our deliverance.
We should accept the impudence of the pharmaceutical companies that ship their products wholesale or at huge discounts to Canada, after all, it is good for the export sector. Never mind that Canadians enjoy these products at low cost if at all while our citizens pay two, three times as much. Is there not supreme irony when the industry is willing to support Canada’s socialized medicine while denying bulk discounts to our own government? Could it be that the $21 billion spent each year on marketing here has something to with it? And what of the myth of research costing billions for each product when time and time again company research was on the backs of public supported scientists? Are we to believe that packaging and hopeful advertising are a part of “research”? — let alone the elaborate junkets for romancing physicians.
Until Nader’s Raiders and ilk came along, we blindly believed that a myriad of products were safe and healthful since Sinclair’s Jungle exposé. Apparently such exposés have to be repeated to every generation. To believe the corporate profit motive is ethically enlightened and nowhere near the slippery salivating of a used car salesman is from fantasy land of slothful faith. Given the marvel of entrepreneurialism, does not, however, give license to ungoverned monopolies and take-overs that ironically stifle opportunity for further entrepreneurs with a better mousetrap.
Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 14, 2004.