If Bush is such a damnably nice guy, how is it the adage “nice guys finish last” does not apply to him — or will it?
For a superpower to unite a world it must first unite its country.
To be a conservative one must first believe in his own superiority.
The volunteer armed services are now considered sacrosanct to those against conscription.
Virtue is a continuing process of the mind, don’t presume its handed to you by God.
One who states that the Patriot Act “needs fixing,” he is means that “probable cause” must not be abused.
Love is not a splendorous thing when the original ray is darkened by petty polemics.
You look down on poverty and accept it as Darwinian necessity until you lose your job.
We have government for the same reason there are parents to constrain their children.
If we do not weep for the vulnerable fishes of the sea, why should we, victim of war, weep for thee?
Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 10, 2004.