Constructive gadfly

In a personal anecdote in The Boston Globe, Ellen Goodman related:

“When I was a kid I just assumed the separation of church and hospital. It’s not that I didn’t believe in the power of prayer, but when my appendix burst I wanted a guy in a white coat, not a white collar.”

“Welcome to Faith-based Medicine”

What prompted this is her discovery that the administration announced that federal employees will now be offered a Catholic health plan. Fortunately it is an option but once taken and a woman, or a man, for that matter, seeks fertility related treatments forget it. This is only the beginning before other faith-based hospitals are included. The reason for “catholic” is that the Church controls 11 percent of the hospitals in the country. What the Supreme Court is unable to do; your friendly bishop can.

on Oct 10, 2004
on Oct 11, 2004

keep god away from me when I'm sick...I've read the old testament
on Oct 11, 2004
Grateful for concurrence, you all. It seems we are bent on returning to the dark ages.
on Oct 15, 2004
Although I tend to agree with the consensus, there are a couple issues at play here: the Catholic church as a very good hospital system (which, incidentally, employs many people who are not Catholic); and hopefully, people would do their research before selecting it, and NOT select it if it were not right for them
