Constructive gadfly
Published on December 19, 2003 By stevendedalus In Blogging

 Did you know that scoring system gives five points to an “Ugh” reply? — the same for an insightful reply. Moreover why is a well-written article only 15 points, equal to nothing more than a fanciful blurb? I also notice that the top users rack up points furiously with their incessant spillover at the forum. 

Being new to the game — and not aware of the forum for sometime — I hesitate to suggest a different, better scoring system, inasmuch as most of my blogs go by un commented, so it will sound like sour grapes. And I agree an article that is unread is pointless. Nonetheless, they do get cross referenced by the search engines and I suspect that points are given for those, even though most of them are simply keywords and searchers find they are not what they wanted.
Alas, I suppose quantity prevails and is simpler; surely we do not want an editorial board sticking its nose in where it is not wanted.   
on Dec 19, 2003
Well here's the thing. Yes any time you reply to a blog you get five points. But from there if people vote it insightful you get more, of if they vote it trolling you get some taken away.

Same thing with your blog. You could spend 4 hours writing it and making it look pretty, but it's the users who give it the points that matter. So if no one cares what you're talking about you dont get points hehe.

After all the purpose of blogging is so other people can read it right?
on Dec 19, 2003
JeremyG, Yes you are so right. The purpose of blogging IS so that other people can read it. So why were you coming down on me because I prefer to use CAPS for my titles? You had commented that I was merely doing it for attention. Once again I quote you, "After all the purpose of blogging is so other people can read it right?" Seems you're being a bit "wishy washy" to me. GCJ
on Dec 20, 2003
Sound like you two are engaged in intramural conflict--trolling? I couldn't do that to you guys. Thanks, though for at least commenting, I'm flattered.
on Dec 21, 2003
I have been reading about blogs for quite some time but recently seems like it is the rage in PCmagazine the last 4 issues. I have a few friends and do well one on one in blog world, however as a whole humanity disgusts me with it's stupidity, ignorrance and apathy towards the corruptions and filthy lies in which the masses seem to believe without refutation of any sort.

On a lighter note you said no one commented. I am commenting now and have read your posts and even found some of your questions and riddle humorous but it did not create a fire in my soul per se.
on Dec 21, 2003
Your Blogs are good. I too am new to this site and am wondering at the scoring system myself, so "ugh". I wonder if I get 15 points PLUS the ugh points for containing it within my comment. As to the un-answered blogs, in my case, I am building an article archive which I will send over as a link to a web site eventually. The archive will be a library of historical articles as they occured, making it possible to cross-reference research others are doing. It is my hope that the day will come when someone will click on any one article and, seeing other topics, spend the day or bookmark for future reading on issues and articles they won't find in the'controlled-media'. So un-answered blogs are no concern to me, as any one hit can open the door to a whole new world for anyone who looks, and it does happen. Patience is the key.
My friend had a site with no popups or links from Corp. sponsors, being told the conventional wisdom and ignoring it for a target audience. Over three years he bacame 'grugyn' owned any search for the term, and was number 3 most hated by hate-group watchdogs, who try to squelch free speech. Once in, the more they tried to stop him, the more people wanted to see what they weren't supposed to see, and it just kept growing, beholden to no one. It takes time and patience, and it is substance and content which gets you to the top.
Look at, he used to be an independent reporter of tips no one else could get. Now he's revealed as a shill for the Republicans who was installed by thei slipping him tips against Clinton. He used to brag he worked alone and independently and people flocked to him. All you'll find at his site now is hollywood stories and news you can get anywhere with not a word against a Republican. I don't even use him because I know what he was about, BUT his reputation as a maverick and scoop-man has endured and he fools average un-thinking Citizens daily. Get the nich and work it, it will pay off in time.
You responded to my blog on the economy yesterday and I want to again refer you to the site This site will rock you as it sinks in that the government is scamming us to the tune of trillions of dollars. There is no deficit, no debt, no financial instability at all. True.
As an example, the citizens of the State of New Jersey, as of 1999 are owed by their government, $146,000.00 for every man, woman, and child in the whole State. When first elected and after examining the books, Jesse Ventura accidentally happened upon the Minnesotas CAFR (Cumulative Annual Financial Report) and just pulled out a couple billion to balance his State's budget. They were not happy but know that he could pull out more any time he chooses and so there is probably some deal to keep him from revealing it to the Citizens there.
There have been thousands of news reporters hired by New Jersey Govt. over the years and it appears the reason is their discovery of this hidden second set of books. Just go to and see for yourself, it will blow you away to learn the most important un-reported story of the last half-century.
Within the cafr lies the "them" that all conspiracy theorists look for. The names, dates, totals, are all in the cafr scam. Blog ON.
on Dec 21, 2003
Thank you for the support. I shall go to site mentioned. I, too, have several sites and other blog sites. My Tripod site devotes much of its space to politics--but has no hit reference. Yahoo, on the other hand does register hits and it seems I do rather well, even though I've been contacted only once. God luck on building your website, in the meantime, I will enjoy your thoughtful blogs.
on Dec 21, 2003
Wanted: fire in the soul. try
It's my website with politics highlighted but much fiction and poetry.