Constructive gadfly
Published on October 7, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

“The draft — which will include both boys and girls this time around — a no-brainer in ‘05 and ‘06.” — David Hackworth;

Hackworth’s position is that the war on terror, excluding Iraq, will require more boots on the ground and that no amount of sophisticated blockbuster weapons can effectively hunt down terrorists. The “Stop Loss” program of the Pentagon extending enlistments beyond contractual agreements in effect has transformed the volunteers as “backdoor draftees” who are determined to take a powder if the chance arises. This will inevitably lead to a draft in order to increase the number of grunts needed for a global rifleman’s war.

For those who espouse an all volunteer service, thanks to Rumsfeld’s shameless comment: that Vietnam draftees added “no value, no advantage, really, to the United States armed services…it took an enormous amount of effort in terms of training, and then they were gone.”

The fact is the “no value” draftees in the last century fought two world wars and two major conflicts with honor. Also training time is no different for draftee or regular, and the length of service is determined by the duration of conflicts — unfortunately in this case unending.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 7, 2004.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 08, 2004
Bush went to war, when he didn't need to.

When can the D o D control when and where a President sends them? Cuba? France? Japan? Germany? Korea? Vietnam? Grenada? Panama? Kuwait? Somalia? Bosnia? Kosovo? Afghanistan? Iraq?

Who is to say the war is needless or needful? Only history can know for sure what was the ultimate outcome for the good and the bad that action or war had on the land or should we tell history what should be told and to hell with an unbiased perspective?

I think I would rather leave the ultimate decision on whether the war was needful or not up to history, after all I don't think it is proper to tell those who have lost their lives in Iraq that they lost them for 'no cause' at all now is it?

- GX
on Oct 08, 2004
But rather we are not protecting our homeland, but rather the oil.

So oil does not effect human lives? What would be the effect if all oil was gone right now from our society? How many would die?

Power plants that power Hospitals? Ambulances? Fire Rigs? Police Cars?

- GX
on Oct 08, 2004
"But rather we are not protecting our homeland, but rather the oil. "

To my knowledge the US has never gotten more than 7% of their oil imports from Iraq. I find it difficult to believe you can make the point that our serious need of Iraqi oil spurred this aggression.
on Oct 08, 2004

Reply #28 By: sandy2 - 10/8/2004 5:19:18 PM
Not exactly that blame would lay squarely on the D o D, either by poor Recruiting or by improper handling of troops (i.e. pay, benefits, healthcare, hours, etc.) a Commander in Chief cannot control every single minute action of the D o D.

Bush went to war, when he didn't need to.

That's your opinion and your welcome to it! That still doesn't mean that a draft would be Bushes fault! Get real.
on Oct 08, 2004
drmiller: that's the point of the whole draft discussion, as I said before. Even if the Republicans shunned it, even if Bush refused to enact it, they can still blame the possiblity on him. It is an election tactic, and it is working if polls on college campuses are any indication. On the day Bush said that if he was re-elected that there would be no draft, they found the majority of college aged males polled believed that if Bush were re-elected there would be a draft.

It is articles like this doing that kind of work for the Democrats. As long as "Draft" is on people's minds, no matter the fact that only Democrats are responsible and promoting it, it still hurts Bush.
on Oct 08, 2004
The draft: There wont be a draft if Bush is re-elected. To break his promise of 'no draft' would create a backlash against the Republican party unlike any ever seen. Besides, it wont be needed; Iraqi troops ARE being trained, even if its not at a pace acceptable to Democrats (who seem to think everything can be done by waving a magic wand).

The 'mistake' of Iraq: This week we see that going into Iraq was more needed than we knew, with Saddam BUYING influence on the UN Security Council. Its not a mistake freeing the oppressed people of Iraq, its not a mistake removing a madman from power, and its not a mistake to help others acquire liberty. Nobody said war was easy, except for the Democrats, who think war shouldn't take longer than a TV mini series.

Service to country: Just had to point out that what many people have stated in replies concerning ripping down companies and becoming bums (in jest Im certain); this is called SOCIALISM, and it is a form of government that has been proven to fail time and again. And what many Democrats seem to long for...
on Oct 08, 2004
Well, its not really up to the american people, and besides that point iraq is becoming more of a mistake every day. We may need to just pick up and leave if it comes down to going to war with Iran for REAL reasons (ie refusal to stop producing wmd's which they have ADMITED to. And in that case it would be with UN apporval. If their is adraft, it will be highly unsuccesfull because I know I would do everything in my power to prevent them from taking my family or my friends and their families.

get a Grip! Next you will be seeing black helicopters in your back yard! The only ones who believe this nonsense are paranoid idiots, and Kerry Syncophants.

You really need to get a life. The sky is not falling.
on Oct 08, 2004
Nor as a philosophy; yet I do feel that young people should give some service to the country.

So starting a Company or working in the Peace Corp is not a service to the Country?

Oh my, tell Bill Gates to tear down Microsoft, tell Howard Schultz to stop and tear down Starbucks, ressurrect Sam Walton and have him tear down Wal-Mart and Sam's, than after you have all the Companies torn down let us stop everyone in the Peace Corp!

Throw your companies away and quit working in the peace corp, we want your service NOW without delay!

Service to country: Just had to point out that what many people have stated in replies concerning ripping down companies and becoming bums (in jest Im certain); this is called SOCIALISM, and it is a form of government that has been proven to fail time and again. And what many Democrats seem to long for...

It is called sarcasm my dear zombie, I was trying to make the point that there are many ways to serve a country, starting a company is one of them, so is the peace corp, etc. not just the military, though socialist would argue that a company is not service to a country, well if that ain't service, than no Starbucks for them!! MUHAHAHHAHAHAAHA!!

If young people are so uncontributive to the country than places like Starbucks, Wal-mart, Microsoft, and Peace Corp would not exist, now would they?

- GX
on Oct 08, 2004
Well done, steven, I think a draft is pretty likely no matter who wins the election.

No, only if Kerry does. Because no one would fight for that POT.

But nice try to scare. It seems to be working somewhat. I guess Kerry cannot win on the issues, he has to lie to get elected. But then, how can you tell? Since he says everything to anybody?

Just another hate Bush. No one loves Kerry. No one can.
on Oct 08, 2004
So starting a Company or working in the Peace Corp is not a service to the Country?
You're not only grim but smug as well. The first one to tear down the Peace Corps  was Eisenhower who derogatorily called it the Kiddie Korps. [You knew damn well what I meant.]
on Oct 09, 2004
It is articles like this doing that kind of work for the Democrats.
Yeah, right, equivalent to Saddam's ties with al qaeda.
on Oct 09, 2004
Yeah, right, equivalent to Saddam's ties with al qaeda.

Yes we all know how Zarqawi is not a member of Al Qaida.

You're not only grim but smug as well. The first one to tear down the Peace Corps was Eisenhower who derogatorily called it the Kiddie Korps. [You knew damn well what I meant.]

What does Dwight D. Eisenhower have to do with today, you said young people should do some service for this country, right?

What, so somebody going to college to get a job or to start a Company is not service either? So far I have met many young people younger than me (I am 23) who are in College pursuing an Entreprenuer major, which last time I checked is called 'starting a company' (both big, small and everything inbetween).

So this whole view of young people are not doing a service to this country is flimflam hokum poppycock jazz! (Don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing, doo-wop doo)

- GX
on Oct 09, 2004
steve: if you want to believe that the whole draft thing, growing louder and louder the closer we get to November, has nothing to do with politics, that's fine. Those off us who weren't carried off to OZ, though, can't/
on Oct 09, 2004
Riddle me this Steve: Which guy during the debate said that there will be no Draft while they are President and while which avoided the answer?

One hint: The man who is implying that there will be one, is the same one that is avoiding the answer.

Now if your basing your vote on wanting a draft, then Vote for Kerry. But if you are just wanting to try and scare some weak knead draft dodgers that gets their only news from, than your probably going to Vote for Kerry anyway.

Steve, if your between the age of 18-23 and don't have the money to go to collage, then you had better buy your Grayhound bus ticket to Canada the day before Kerry takes office That would be before he instituted that new boarder gaurd increase he says he wants. This will insure that you follow your word: "yet I do feel that young people should give some service to the country".

That's My Two Cents
on Oct 09, 2004
So I resort back to my one liner:

Tis a dead issue you say, tis is a dead bill always.

- Grim Xiozan
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