Constructive gadfly
Published on October 7, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

When ever liberals express an interest in giving the disadvantaged a leg-up, why do conservatives regularly presume that it is hogwash being for the unwashed who are unambitious, and completely reliant on the government, and then add that liberals are implying that conservatives have no compassion? Other than perhaps unthinking extremists, the prevailing liberal slant on things is that the business world, particularly now, is primarily concerned with the bottom line and any costs that shrink the line is bad for business. Obviously — and other than peripheral values — a corporation or even a small business abhors its share of the payroll tax, increasing minimum wage, and higher taxes. This would be logical but for the reliance business has upon the endurance and viability of consumers. It does, after all, take a village to make a business.

Still, why does a conservative of non-commercial values, necessarily side with the faithful of unchecked capitalism? Why should a housewife who is pro-life usually side with these harsh bread and butter issues? Does she not care for the economic security of the household, does she not smile on her children and take care of them so they do not feel the pressures of going without? In attending church does she not join in prayer for the children here and of the world suffering from disease and hunger? Does she not cry for the child of the ghetto shot down in a gang war?

Could it be that she also believes, because all her needs are met by her own hand and that of her spouse, that this is magically possible for others by getting off their arses? Could it be that she believes that a ghetto matriarch, trying to hold a family together, is on an even plane with her and therefore needs no assistance if this woman just had the ambition to take on another job to boost the family budget but ignoring the devastation that would have on caring for the children at home? Could it be that because this caring housewife has a spouse who earns a living wage that with gusto meets the needs of his family that all wage earners, given their willingness, are financially equipped, at least in relative terms, to do the same for their families? If her answer is a tenuous yes, could it be that this caring housewife will have to admit to C’est la Vie! — there are winners and losers for whom the latter has no village.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 7, 2004.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 11, 2004
It's been quite extraordinary writing here, under the circumstances, as you know. Very bizzare indeed.I could tell by attitudes or things said the ones that had either had contact with him, or something. There were many times I wanted to shout on JU over accomplishments I was proud of, over little and big victories. But you know, Richard. I will continue to be the weird little WiseFawn, psycophant rambling on, as long as I'm allowed.
on Oct 11, 2004
I wouldn't call it rambling, rather championing what you deeply believe in.
on Oct 11, 2004


Draginol: Stevendedalus, I read your article again and I come away with the same impression - that conservatives are not as caring as liberals.

Stevendedalus: Perhaps that is partially my point, but in no way implicit is there aren’t conservatives who are just as, and exceed, in caring

You then write:

That is not my premise at all. My contention is that conservatives assume this and constantly repeat it--as you have

You outright said that part of your point was that liberals are more compassionate than conservatives. And I don't buy that at at all.

on Oct 11, 2004

Wisefawn: But you never actually answer the questions fully.

Do you work a FULL TIME JOB right now? 40 hours a week. Be honest. Because from reading between the lines, it seems apparent that, at best, you work part time. You have, at various times, claimed to do some work for your apartment complex, do some work delivering to a flower shop or something, and other odd jobs.

I am not denigrating that. But one of the statistics I have pointed out time and time again is that MOST "poor" people don't work full time. It is not the system failing them that makes them poor, it is that they aren't working very much.

I obviously support your ability to post here. I strongly disagree with your views and I am not convinced you are totally honest in your writings, but I support your ability to spread your opinions.

on Oct 11, 2004
I obviously support your ability to post here. I strongly disagree with your views and I am not convinced you are totally honest in your writings, but I support your ability to spread your opinions.

Thank you.

I am not convinced you are totally honest in your writings,

Really? This is no surprise to me, but for some reason, I was expecting something more, something different.

Do you work a FULL TIME JOB right now?

Go ask Marc.

on Oct 12, 2004
You outright said that part of your point was that liberals are more compassionate than conservatives. And I don't buy that at at all.
You're right, some hearts do bleed more; nevertheless, it is not applicable to housewives--much less so at least.Republican males, particularly from the business sector, I suspect it's true.  
on Oct 12, 2004

Wisefawn: Classic obfuscation.  I think it safe to say that you do not work full time presently. Which is fine until you start writing posts such as "fix it or give it back" which was one article in particular that really offended me. I'm already working 30 hours per week to pay for the government.

Stevend: I think it's easy for liberals to give the illusion of compassion because they don't tend to have to stick around to see if their advocated policies have any affect nor bear the consequences of failure.   LBJ's "Great Society" sure sounded compassionate didn't it. But with trillions spent -- trillions confiscated from conservatives mostly -- I don't think it has been very effective.

on Oct 30, 2004
LBJ's "Great Society"
An obtacle got in the way--Vietnam. By the way liberals are not tax exempt.
on Jun 30, 2005
Wow, reading this after all these months is just too funny now! Congratulations on being published!! You deserve so much recognition!!!!
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