Constructive gadfly
Published on October 4, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

"Four More Years of Bush" means unlimited corporate power; the end of a woman’s right to choose, and civil unions denied gays. Even passage of continuation of the tax-cuts, which were broadcast as mainly affecting the middle class, will cost $145 billion over ten years and over 80% of it is for corporate tax breaks. Apparently it would take an exorcist to remove from the conservative mind the “trickle-down” theory.

Over and over again we are reminded on JU and the media that Kerry’s proposal to restore the tax bracket on the rich will affect 900,000 small business people who otherwise benevolently would be creating jobs; yet one is compelled to ask, where are all these jobs? It is sheer tommyrot to claim that these small business, with the exception of a few are in the top tax bracket. The hair and nails salons, the neighboring auto mechanic, the local handyman, the garbage collectors, the 7/11, Dairy Farm, and Pizza Hut franchisees hardly fit into this bracket. Flea market and mall vendors and their ilk all over the nation are barely making ends meet, surely do not qualify for an increase in their taxes under Kerry’s plan.

 "Four More Years of Bush" means a continuation of global alienation. We are told time and again that it is patriotic to hate France, Germany, Russia for not coöperating with our efforts in Iraq. According to O’Reilly the hatred is mutual because we cannot expect “secular socialists” to understand our godly, pristine values.

Included in these values is the Might of God to rectify the world through the divine right of Bush, the crusader. Here, is no room for enlightened diplomacy or simple straight talk with other leaders of the world — it’s either, or, the tongue bereft of the ear. Spain, for instance, cut and ran from Iraq, but gets no credit for continuing vigorously to track down al Qaeda; Mexico is no longer a friendly nation because it refused to go along with the war; Germany and France resent us only because we took from them their scandalous oil interests as though our own multinationals were not engaged in the same scandal. They are, in addition, excoriated for not increasing their military quotas in Afghanistan while we diverted ours. Putin no longer has a soul to look into because he resents us for interfering with Chechen terrorism, which somehow is not to be considered global. Moreover, Russia, on the brink of bankruptcy, is supposed to be the good Samaritan and forgive Iraqi loans consisting of billions. A UN that does not bend to our will is irrelevant. U.S. moral leadership of the globe will totally dissolve in four more years under the incumbent.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 4, 2004.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 04, 2004
good work as usual steven!
on Oct 04, 2004
Well done. Vote Change.
on Oct 04, 2004
Aye, four years of change for the better.
on Oct 04, 2004
If kerry wins I assume those of you who supported him will gladly pay a subscription price so that we don't have to lay off or outsource any of our IT people right?
on Oct 04, 2004
You don't believe that. Or, wait, that was a joke...That was a joke!
on Oct 05, 2004
Yes, we all will have to pay the price--it's called patriotism and sacrifice.
on Oct 05, 2004
I'm glad to hear that. A monthly patriot fee to pay for the costs of this site is welcome.

Kerry's tax increase would effectively eat up most of the salary of one of our IT people. So those who use the site would have to start paying a modest monthly fee to make up the difference.
on Oct 05, 2004
Right ON! More facts of how another Bush term will impact the poor, middle Income and wealthy Americans is documented in the book, "Four More For George W?" You can order this book at 888 280 7715. If youi want to see what readers are saying about this book, look at
on Oct 05, 2004
Kerry's tax increase would effectively eat up most of the salary of one of our IT people. So those who use the site would have to start paying a modest monthly fee to make up the difference.

Do I take it then that you are promising no such addition of fees for four more years if Bush wins? Because, given the neck-and-neckness of this race, I am looking for any and all crumbs of comfort if it goes Bush's way. And I think it is only fair that if you challenge (suggestively threaten?) us to pony up if Kerry wins (based on the economic hell-in-a-handbasket theory of Dem fiscal management), we should be offered some promise of sustained free services if Bush wins. I mean, implicitly, that's what you're saying, right?

Conversely, if in some magical or karmic way paying a subscription fee for this site will end four more years of the same (or worse), then I am willing to pony up right now. Dang Christina, where is that genie in a bottle?
on Oct 05, 2004
If Bush goes out of office, I will gladly pay a fee for the use of this site.

But it's refreshing to know, or I'm assuming, that you do not already outsource Draginol! I'm rather pleased about this.
on Oct 05, 2004
Kerry's tax increase would effectively eat up most of the salary of one of our IT people. So those who use the site would have to start paying a modest monthly fee to make up the difference.

Didn't you touch on this subject before, a while back? You wouldn't happen to have a link to it would you?
on Oct 05, 2004
A fee? yeah, why not? My state income taxes already have assessed me a larger "fee" due to national tax decreases. I paid more in taxes last year than I ever have due to an increase in state income taxes -- and my federal taxes really didn't go down that much. So, thanks to my republican president and my republican governor, I'm actually paying MORE in taxes now than I was under Bill Clinton.

on Oct 05, 2004
The FCC is quicker on the draw--I already pay $6.50 a month for access, let alone dial up costs.
on Oct 05, 2004
I didn't mention the increase in local sales taxes since the Great Leader cut the rich people's taxes. And in Arkansas, they sales tax EVERYTHING, including poor people's food.
on Oct 05, 2004
Included in these values is the Might of God to rectify the world through the divine right of Bush, the crusader. Here, is no room for enlightened diplomacy or simple straight talk with other leaders of the world — it’s either, or, the tongue bereft of the ear. Spain, for instance, cut and ran from Iraq, but gets no credit for continuing vigorously to track down al Qaeda; Mexico is no longer a friendly nation because it refused to go along with the war; Germany and France resent us only because we took from them their scandalous oil interests as though our own multinationals were not engaged in the same scandal. They are, in addition, excoriated for not increasing their military quotas in Afghanistan while we diverted ours. Putin no longer has a soul to look into because he resents us for interfering with Chechen terrorism, which somehow is not to be considered global. Moreover, Russia, on the brink of bankruptcy, is supposed to be the good Samaritan and forgive Iraqi loans consisting of billions. A UN that does not bend to our will is irrelevant. U.S. moral leadership of the globe will totally dissolve in four more years under the incumbent.

I agree completely... very well said! Bush should continue to follow in his father's footsteps, and not be allowed more than one term!
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