Constructive gadfly

There would be no question about the outcome of the presidential race had Bush played it safe, rather than stirring up a hornet’s nest by choosing to engage in a preëmptive war. His poll numbers had been skyward making  the character of the Democrat candidates  probably  different, since so many would be un willing to risk utter defeat. The only contention with Bush would have been his dismal domestic policies and unconcern for the environment, which would not have been received too well in a fearful climate of imminent terrorism.

Those for Bush have in the front of their minds that his “irrational enthusiasm” was a show of great leadership regardless of the consequences — hey, the man has guts. “Bring it on!” is the daring Hollywood equivalent of “Make my day.” But because of the loss of respect in the world and the catastrophic events in Iraq, there is a chance for Kerry to pull an upset.

Though it is obvious that the chief issue is the war in Iraq, there are many who subliminally thank their god for the tax cuts that have significantly built up their wealth, and are grateful for his stout stand on self-styled “values.”


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 1, 2004.

on Oct 03, 2004
"there are many who subliminally thank their god for the tax cuts that have significantly built up their wealth, and are grateful for his stout stand on self-styled “values.” "

Yes there are! And I'm hoping they soon mourn their losses because they need to know there is so much more to life than wealth. That sounds cruel, doesn't it?

The day they released the intelligence report and I wrote my impeach Bush blog, somewhere inside of me, I thought that maybe he'd come on, reassuring America and the world. I didn't really expect an apology, but I thought he'd say something, that somebody would say something. But he continued on his campaign trail with that look on his face.
on Oct 04, 2004
That sounds cruel, doesn't it?
Not at all, Kerry wants to do them a big favor by shaking them back to reality of minimal sacrifice to a nation that has always been good to them.