Constructive gadfly
Published on October 1, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Though in running for the presidency Kerry is no Eisenhower, who simply expected the voter to trust him in that he would end the war in Korea, which was also unpopular, Kerry’s statement that it is the wrong war at the wrong time is not necessarily a non sequitur in his pledge to finish the war with honor. Every president inherits some anomaly and has to honor the obligation by corrective measures.

Given that it was a horrendous mistake the way in which Marines were beached at the battle of Tarawa, it did not demoralize the 2nd Marine Division, which nobly fought with great honor and sacrifice. Nor did it deter the Corps from relentlessly continuing the island-hopping but with improved precautions. The troops in Iraq don’t need Kerry to tell them the war is a mistake, nor does it in anyway preclude their honoring orders from their commander in chief just as the nation’s youth in Vietnam continued their tortuous mission, in spite of an obvious debacle

However, it is essential that the leaders and home front also accomplish their mission to safeguard the nation’s youth by protesting that they be put in harm’s way unnecessarily; at the same time exhibit to the troops in the field unswerving support. In no way does this imply that the troops cut and run, but does not obviate every effort to bring them home safely with honor. Ultimate sacrifice is necessary for defense, but it is also needlessly tragic when the meaning of defense is distorted.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 1, 2004.

on Oct 03, 2004
All I can say is that you once again get my insightful.
on Oct 04, 2004
And once again I am grateful to you--otherwise, I'd be a voice in the wilderness.