Constructive gadfly
Published on September 27, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

“If I had known then what I know now, I wouldn’t have used them [unconfirmed data]. I did it; it was a mistake. I’m looking deep within myself, about what I did and didn’t do.” No, this is not a Bush confession in going to war in Iraq, but Dan Rather’s soul searching. … 60 Minutes had definitely lost its confidence and prestige; it cancelled the scheduled report on WMDs. … Why in the world does Florida permit anchored mobile and pre-fab home communities highly vulnerable to hurricane destruction? … How is it the world’s nuclear powers are well-known but an asterisk is placed next to Israel to note uncertainty? — truthfully, no one thinks Israel does not have nuclear weapons. … The Green Bay Packer fans are trying to make a big deal out of Kerry’s gaffe in erroneously naming the stadium as though it were as big a gaffe as a candidate at LA Dodgers stadium, addressing the crowd with “I’m happy to be here at Ebbets Field.” … Medical examiners in Baghdad must approve marriages of girls fourteen or younger by verifying puberty and capability of intercourse — despite “liberation” some things never change. Still, to be fair, at least they show concern for the physical, ignoring the emotional, health of these young girls. In Iraq it is doubtful that they bother to check their nine year olds. … Would the capture of al Zarqawi, or even bin Laden for that matter, diminish the insurgency? — doubtful, but it surely would make us feel better, if not safer.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 27, 2004.


on Sep 27, 2004
I think it is up to individuals to decide how hurricane-proof they want their home to be.

Ebbets Field was an actual stadium the Dodgers used to play in. The "Lambert" gaffe was likely due to Kerry misremembering his cheat sheet. People in Wisconsin care about the Packers much more than people in LA care about the Dodgers.
on Sep 27, 2004

Ebbets Field was an actual stadium the Dodgers used to play in.
Oh, really?--am I supposed to say, "I didn't know that"?

You're relentless, Madine!