Constructive gadfly
Published on September 25, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Theresa Heinz Kerry is fortunate that a 527 hasn’t attacked the Albert Schweitzer Gold Medal for Humanitarianism she received for her dedication and contributions to the environment, education, women, children and health care. … I hope the trust in Allawi is stronger than the faith the administration had in Chalibi. … The tax cuts for the lower and middle class has already been wiped out by the price of gas. … It is feasible that a large part of the insurgency is due to UN and US envoys favoring secular groups in Iraq and marginalizing Islamist parties just as Saddam had done. … Could it be the Christian Right has followed the Islamic law blueprint that politics and religion are one? … On average, factoring in fringe benefits, Wal-Mart wages are 30% lower than comparable outlets. The reason for this is that W-M employs hundreds of thousands in China and wouldn’t want them to get any wild ideas about a higher standard of living. … Kerry’s problem over the years is he is so articulate and eager to express his observations that often he forgets many of them; for instance, in 2002 he cautioned that by going it alone in Iraq would breed more terrorism, even with Saddam eliminated. Not only should the administration have considered this, Kerry himself should have etched it in his memory chip at the outset of his campaign. … If Kerry is a flip-flop does that make Bush a flop? … CBS now stands for Chatter Begets Scandal.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 25, 2004.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 25, 2004
One small point of clarification. As of a few months ago, her name is now Heinz-Kerry. Just so we all know who we are discussing. Well - a 527 has not attacked her but The Boston Herald has:
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Heinz-Kerry funds radical pals
April 14, 2004

By Steven Malanga

John Kerry is the Senate's most liberal member. But his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, looks to be even farther left, judging from her charitable giving. Over the years, she has poured nearly $6 million into the San Francisco-based Tides Foundation, a kind of front philanthropy, founded by California activist Drummond Pike in 1976, that channels donations to left-wing causes in ways that make the original funders hard to trace directly.

The Tides Foundation gives to causes to the left - sometimes way to the left - of the Democratic mainstream. It has been a big supporter (to the tune of $1 million over the last three years) of the ``living wage'' movement, which seeks to force urban firms to pay up to double the minimum wage - a sneaky way of bringing socialist economics to America's cities. Tides has also helped bankroll environmentalist radicalism, shelling out $205,000 over a two-year period to the Ruckus Society, a wacky anarchist Green organization, and nearly $500,000 over the past decade to the alarmist National Resources Defense Council, responsible for the Alar scare a while back, which wrongly convinced people that eating apples sprayed with the chemical put them at higher risk of getting cancer. Growers needlessly lost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Most recently, Tides has donated $500,000 to set up the Iraq Peace Fund, which contributes to a motley assortment of hard-left groups that opposed the war. Among the recipients:, the George Soros-funded outfit that notoriously featured online ads comparing President Bush with Hitler.

Responding to criticism, Mrs. Kerry has downplayed her Tides connection, emphasizing that the foundation used her money mostly to support mainstream conservationist and environmental groups in western Pennsylvania, home of her first husband's family fortune. Tides founder Pike claims that Mrs. Kerry's money didn't fund anti-war efforts. But why then did she funnel her giving through Tides, instead of making direct grants through her Heinz family foundation? After all, that philanthropy already openly gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to centrist western Pennsylvania Green organizations.

John Kerry may find his wife's radical ties a problem as the presidential race kicks into high gear.

Steven Malanga is a Manhattan Institute senior fellow and contributing editor of City Journal (, from whose Spring 2004 issue this article is adapted.

©2004 Boston Herald

And her new hubby?

John Kerry's charitable contributions from 1991-1995

Kerry's returns from 1995 and earlier, before his marriage to Heinz, have sometimes attracted criticism over the issue of charitable giving. In 1995, according to published reports, Kerry reported a taxable income of $126,179, and charitable contributions of $0. In 1994, he reported income of $127,884, and charitable donations of $2,039. In 1993, he reported income of $130,345, and contributions of $175. In 1992, he reported income of $127,646, and contributions of $820. In 1991, he reported income of $113,857, and contributions of $0.
on Sep 25, 2004
"False allegations about Kerry's wife have been circulating for months, but the velocity of the Internet "whispering campaign" picked up substantially with the approach of the Fall campaign."

These have all been proven to be false.
on Sep 26, 2004
I am afraid that you have been duped WiseFawn. The site you use, Fatcheck, is not presenting facts - though they certainly present compelling arguements.
They themselves (fatcheck) claim that only small amounts went to the Tides Foundation. Now we are splitting hairs. Giving to Islamic and other radicals is ok if the amount is only has 6 digits but would not have been is the number were 7 digits? Thats silly.
But moreover they claim that millions went to the TIDES Center - as opposed to the Tides Foundation (funder of radical groups). Well this is completely false.
You can check it out yourself very easily . Goto the Tides Center Homepage =
You will immediately see that they are one and the same. "Tides Center/Foundation" is also the precise wording on the form issued by the Heinz-Kerry Endowment distribution people.

As for this idea that the money is split up and that the Heinz-Kerry money only goes to the enviromental and Pennsylvania local groups - well that is also a complete farse. Once the money goes into the Tides money pool - it is used to fund grants. Who is to say that the dollar 1 person gave goes here and the dollar another person gave goes there. Furthermore - a nice chunk of it stays at Tides for "administrative fees" in this case that amount is somewhere around half a million dollars.

And I note that you say nothing about John Kerry's embarrasing record of charitable giving. That is because it is all in his tax filings and cannot be disputed.

The only thing leftists are trying to skew is where the Heinz money went.
Which is made easier by using groups like Tides. The reason people use them is so that their money can fund unpopular and radical things without having their donations be publically known. Of COURSE there is an effort to obfuscate that. That is the reason the Heinz Endowment uses tides in the first place!

Though, by the way - I did like the fatcheck article on efforts to re-instate the draft:
--The bills are not being pushed. It's quite true that the two bills mentioned would require both men and women aged 18 through 25 to perform a two-year period of "national service," which incidentally could be either military or non-military service. But the bills are sponsored only by Democrats, and there's not the slightest evidence that the Bush administration is pushing for them, quietly or otherwise.

One bill is HR 163 , whose principle sponsor is Democratic Rep. Charles Rangel of New York. It has 14 co-sponsors, all of them Democrats in a Congress controlled by Republicans. The bill was dead on arrival: it sits in a House subcommittee with no hearings or votes scheduled and no action expected.
which is also available as a matter of public record here:
So if the bill's own sponsors are not supporting them, why are they there? Why go to the trouble of writing them? Perhaps I am not too out of line to suggest that having Bills floating around regarding a draft is part of a larger plan to accuse the Administration of bringing back conscription service? If it is not part of a fabricated smear tactic, then I can't think of why else these efforts were made. Writting a Bill is work. Why do the work just to let it rot? Can anyone provide another theory on this? I am open to another idea besides more Democratic manipulations of people who do not check the facts, though I admit - as that is the only reason I can fathom, it is the one I take to be true for now. But I'm open to new info.
on Sep 26, 2004
Wow, must've been hard to marry a rich guy, inherit his money, and then cut a fat check to an umbrella organization that funds both the humanitarian and asinine...

Marry well, gals, you too could someday win a medal...
on Sep 26, 2004
lol, I think I do not need to respond. The fact that you attempt to blow away the factcheck about her, but then like and quote the one about the draft, speaks for itself.

stevendedalus- Great article and I hope to hear soon that you safely rode out yet another hurricane.
on Sep 26, 2004

WF, yep, I was lucky again--just some rather violent gusts.

His Sunday contributions to the Catholic Church he would not deduct because he has no standing account with a single parish, what with being on the run between PA., Boston and D.C.

Baker, at least give her credit for remarrying a guy who had to mortgage his home for funds.


on Sep 26, 2004
"If Kerry is a flip-flop does that make Bush a flop? …"

ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!! He's a disaster, a cheat, a liar, a theif and plain ol' stupid. His policies are a complete failure.
on Sep 27, 2004
We need more of these Loud responses! Good show, mate.
on Sep 27, 2004
lol, I think I do not need to respond. The fact that you attempt to blow away the factcheck about her, but then like and quote the one about the draft, speaks for itself.

Oh my! Some things they say have a bit of truth in them! /eek ! Yes and I point out the truth in both articles. Beyond that I merely check into the facts on each piece and link my findings for you to see for yourself. I do not support fatcheck at all because they use half truths and deception too frequently. I check the facts for myself and even gave you links so that you can do the same. But alas, it is clear that you do not want to do that, instead you give my article a quick brows and then reply with what I am sure you think is a whitty retort.

Respond with volume, vitriol, and veracity - but by all means, stear clear of looking up facts for anything put forth by the left!
on Sep 27, 2004
Oh please. In the first place, you did not write an article, you made a long comment. In the second place, I made a comment about your draft thing, but Richard's article isn't about that. I find myself feeling very disgruntled with conservatives tonight. Yes, all of you. I'll make my statement here for all of you...I'm not Anti-American nor am I in sympathy or cohoots with terrorists. I research, and check facts all of the time. I am not hate filled because you see me as being a far leftist. I could go on and on, but you all make me just tired tonight.
on Sep 27, 2004
sorry stevendedalus, I'm just tired tonight.
on Sep 27, 2004

Reply #10 By: WiseFawn - 9/27/2004 10:15:13 PM
Oh please. In the first place, you did not write an article, you made a long comment. In the second place, I made a comment about your draft thing, but Richard's article isn't about that. I find myself feeling very disgruntled with conservatives tonight. Yes, all of you. I'll make my statement here for all of you...I'm not Anti-American nor am I in sympathy or cohoots with terrorists. I research, and check facts all of the time. I am not hate filled because you see me as being a far leftist. I could go on and on, but you all make me just tired tonight.

And *I* find myself more than just a *liitle* disgruntled with you *Liberals* ALL the time! So I guess that makes us *even*.
on Sep 27, 2004
on Sep 27, 2004
on Sep 28, 2004

WF: Get some rest; we need you!

drmiler, you can extend the charity of feeling only a "little" disgruntled because you think the majority is on your side.

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