Constructive gadfly

Today our darling representatives etched in stone the tax cuts. It reminds me of a hard working couple who just had to have a Widescreen HDTV and dipped into their savings for the children’s future college fund; after all, they can work their way through college.  With all the brouhaha about Iraq being the main election issue, apparently congress, unlike Kerry, isn’t worried about where the money is coming from — let our children pay it off. … Where did the idea come from anyway? — if you doubt the war is worth the nation’s treasure and human life that somehow you don’t support the troops. Is it because we don’t want to admit to the 1043 families whose son, daughter or spouse heroically died in a manhunt to put Saddam in jail? … Nader is the nation’s jester who in time of war goes round the country spewing nonsensical gibberish left over from 2000 that the two parties are but Tweedledum and Tweedledee. … If Cat Stevens contributed unwittingly to questionable charity organizations surreptitiously supporting terrorism, how many of the Christian Right unwittingly contributed to bombings of abortion clinics? Moreover if the Cat was really a terrorist why was he allowed on the plane? — so much for feeling safer with Bush at the helm. … Remember “fuzzy math”? Is it somehow related to the fact that 35% of the population are represented by fifty-one senators and 65% — which, by the way, pay 70% of the taxes — are represented by forty-nine? Isn’t something wrong with the equation wherein a state that can only muster one representative and yet have two senators? … It strikes me as weird that Bush needs backing from Allawi to confirm the condition in Iraq is copasetic, but all hell would break loose if Kerry deferred to France’s Chirac to appraise the situation. … Kerry should use the Nixon “strategy” — “a secret plan to win the peace.”

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 24, 2004.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 24, 2004
Moreover if the Cat was really a terrorist why was he allowed on the plane? — so much for feeling safer with Bush at the helm. …

DO NOt try to blame this on Bush! He was let on the plane in England by someone who obviously doesn't read alot! Get it? British NOT Americans. And before you say anything GW has NO CONTROL over British subjects!
on Sep 24, 2004
It reminds me of a hard working couple who just had to have a Widescreen HDTV and dipped into their savings for the children’s future college fund; after all, they can work their way through college.

I am with you on this one steven (hmmm . . . this is becoming a very common occurence). I can't believe people are OK with this. Our wars don't run on fluffy clouds and chocolate sprinkles. They require money and manpower. They are not being properly funded. Not only do my children suffer now as their father will be deployed almost continuously to support these wars (and he may face added danger because of lack of resources due to poor financial backing as well), but later as adults, they will be the ones sacrificing to pay for them, too. Argh.
on Sep 24, 2004
Good article mate...

I think Chirac should come out and pledge his support to the war on Iraq if Kerry wins the election - that would be a coup indeed!

on Sep 24, 2004
Great article!
on Sep 24, 2004
Yeah, my own senior senator was part of this "we can run the government on incense and peppermints" tax BS. great post.
on Sep 24, 2004
Weren't some of those hijackers on watch lists?
on Sep 24, 2004
Why Not Ask Chirac How Events Are Going in Iraq?

Why not ask Sudan on how to be Humanitarian?

- GX
"I have no answers to your questions, but I can question your demands." - Motto Inspired by Laibach's WAT
on Sep 24, 2004
DO NOt try to blame this on Bush!

Yeah, I know. It was Kerry's fault. And the damn liberals. We blame them for everything, remember?

He was let on the plane in England by someone who obviously doesn't read alot! Get it? British NOT Americans. And before you say anything GW has NO CONTROL over British subjects!

Except, wait...isn't England supposed to be our biggest military ally in the war on terror? Isn't Tony Blair working with Bush? Shouldn't we expect Bush to hold Blair accountable if we wanna get pissed about this? And shouldn't we hold Bush accountable if he DOESN't hold Blair accountable?

Ooops. Sorry, I forgot. Bush is NEVER accountable. He's made out of teflon; nothing sticks to him. This is Kerry's fault. And the commie, left liberals. I keep forgetting.

[By the way, I actually don't think Bush is personally responsible for inviting Cat Stevens to America. I just get tired of people protesting he should be implicated at all in anything, but who then turn around and blame Kerry for everything. You know who you are.]
on Sep 24, 2004

Reply #8 By: Bungy32 - 9/24/2004 2:36:50 PM
DO NOt try to blame this on Bush!

Yeah, I know. It was Kerry's fault. And the damn liberals. We blame them for everything, remember?

He was let on the plane in England by someone who obviously doesn't read alot! Get it? British NOT Americans. And before you say anything GW has NO CONTROL over British subjects!

Except, wait...isn't England supposed to be our biggest military ally in the war on terror? Isn't Tony Blair working with Bush? Shouldn't we expect Bush to hold Blair accountable if we wann get pissed about this? And shouldn't we hold Bush accountable if he DOESN't hold Blair accountable?

See, I wouldn't even try to blame this on Kerry.
on Sep 24, 2004
With all the brouhaha about Iraq being the main election issue, apparently congress, unlike Kerry, isn’t worried about where the money is coming from — let our children pay it off.

Last time I checked Kerry was a member of Congress too. What was his vote? Thats if he even did. I don't remember ever seeing him cuting anything in the budget except the military and Intelegence. Both of witch he said was over funded for the last 19 years and blames Bush for it being underfunded now. Then blames them for failing. Between Kennedy and himself I'm sure Mass. got to add even more pork to the budget the most other States.
on Sep 25, 2004
I can't believe people are OK with this.
 That's because they are not seeing it close up as you do. If there were a draft they'd sing a different tune.  
GW has NO CONTROL over British subjects!
He certainly controls his pet Tony Blair.
on Sep 25, 2004
Last time I checked Kerry was a member of Congress too.
You're right, Kerry was for the tax breaks for low income folks--and that's how "nuances" come into play, corporate welfare and tax shelters for the affluent are bundled with it.
on Sep 25, 2004
Reply #12 By: stevendedalus - 9/25/2004 12:46:48 AM
Last time I checked Kerry was a member of Congress too.
You're right, Kerry was for the tax breaks for low income folks--and that's how "nuances" come into play, corporate welfare and tax shelters for the affluent are bundled with it.

I suppose you could show proof of this?
on Sep 26, 2004
The proof is in the pudding: the original tax cuts remain in place. 
on Sep 26, 2004

Reply #14 By: stevendedalus - 9/26/2004 11:02:49 AM
The proof is in the pudding: the original tax cuts remain in place.

Your *right* the original cuts are still in place for low-income tax-payers but that is NOT due to anything John Kerry did!
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