Constructive gadfly
Published on December 17, 2003 By stevendedalus In Politics

 D desperation

 E  egalitarian’s demise

 M moderation or muddling

 O omissions

 C  calcification

 R  rearranging postures

 A anything goes to suit the polls

 T  terrorized by the right

 The democrats are uncomfortable as a minority party even though a majority — not electoral — agrees with their views when they stick by them. Unfortunately, they are obsessed with the hopeless aim of regaining the red states.
on Dec 17, 2003
You have just demonstrated why the Democrats keep losing. Liberals have bought into the myth that the majority of people agree with liberal views. They don't.
on Dec 17, 2003
....hence the country is half in the shitter.
on Dec 19, 2003
You're right they do not believe in liberal views but they believe in a safe environment, safety nets for the common folks, excellent public schools, najtional defense out of necessity, not choice, decent job security, fair trade, not free trade and they certainly should know that without the undepinnings of the Democratic party for the past seventy years, there wouldn't be half the goodies now enjoyed.
on Dec 19, 2003
to grl, Yes, blue shit and red shit.
on Dec 21, 2003
You say safety, but are we really safe? ~shrugs~ Seems too me the middle class is too take some responsibility for the situation at hand because they are generally the laziest, phonies of them all and are the ones most apathetic to anyones situation and are catylists between the rich and the media. There are exceptions to every rule but the majority of middle class people I have met, including my parents are most ignorrant of them all. I mean more people were intrested in Clinton's sex scandal which was a front to sway everyone off of his cheap realistate deals and murders committed.
on Dec 21, 2003
ooops spaced out one point. Our schooling system is one of the worse in the world.
on Dec 21, 2003
Why doesn't anyone realise that slander of another political party is not constructive at all??? I dont understand the point other than picking a fight. If you want to confront a democrat, or any one on the left - justify your gripe.
on Dec 29, 2003
Where have you been since the Republicans have been in power? They taught us liberals how to utilize meanness!
on Dec 29, 2003
You're right about the democrats in one sense, they aren't liberals, they are moderates. I saw Michael Moore speaking on CSPAN not long ago and he pointed out that the left majority is consistently scared into the middle and therefore, the republicans present a stronger leader that states a strong opinion about dynamic issues. As a big lefty, but a reluctant democrat, I would like to see the D-party come out with a candidate that truly leads, that clearly states his LEFT opinions, not one that bows to the grey area for safety.
on Dec 30, 2003
You're right, too! FDR, Truman, and Kennedy are spinning in their graves.