Constructive gadfly
Published on December 16, 2003 By stevendedalus In Politics

R  religion is power 

E  errant thinking 

P  public education is failing 

U unabashed self-righteousness 

B  brilliant strategy of deception 

L  labor unions are the enemy 

I   instant dollar gratification 

C  cunning in undermining the general will 

A analysis at its lowest level 

N negativism toward any kind of regulation 

Republicans are a majority because of the electoral college, which in the first place was designed to protect sparsely populated states to negate the great unwashed. 
on Dec 17, 2003

Why are you so obsessed with religion?  Religion dominates the Reublicans in teh same way that criminals dominate the Democrats. That is, people who are very religious tend to be Republican and people who have criminal records tend to be Democrats. But that doesn't make Republicans "religious" or Democrats crooks.

Republicans are not instant dollar gratification either.  If you did more research, you would find that Republicans tend to save their money much more so than Democrats. I.e. the savings rate as a percentage of income of Republicans is much higher.

After all, it's not Republicans who need the government to take care of them in old age. We understand a concept known as saving.

on Dec 17, 2003
...or could it be that people with money or "savings" vote Republican? My grandfather always said Republicans are for the rich, and the Democrats are for the working man....guess he was right.
on Dec 19, 2003
Obviously, you're too young to know that savings was nil for all persuasions back in the thirties--how would you have liked yoor parents to stand in bread lines, or an old woman in her eighties hobbling to a soup kitchen? Your ridiculous leap from the obvious religious right influence in the R Party to more Republicans are religious wheras Dems are criminals shows you're incredible naivete, and typical Republican arrogance. As for savings, it is probably true that Reps have greater savings for the obvious reason they are better heeled.

To grl, Your grandfather is a wise man, and remembers what it was like in the old days during the Great Depression.