Constructive gadfly
Published on September 20, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Indicative of a people in denial is that this, let alone all, presidential campaigns inevitably sidetrack issues.

One        There is clear cut denial that terrorism is feared at home now that the US has “taken” the war on terrorism to enemy soil. This leads to not taking intelligence and home security seriously as though terrorism has been safely exported.

Two       Uncontrollable deficits are not a problem because in the long run tax cuts and further outsourcing will revive the economy.

Three     Social security will not be a problem for Baby Boomers when the system is privatized.

Four      Major Allies, in spite of their enduring contribution in Afghanistan , will not lift a finger in Iraq because they are wretched cowards who failed to see the urgency in invading Iraq and that no other president could change their minds.

Five       The four spouses of 9/11 victims most responsible for the Commission who now support Kerry are vindictive witches, brewing the pot of pre-9/11 omissions, are out to get the President; though their primary ingredient is preventing the “war” from continuing in the wrong direction.

Six         The slightest hint of an Iraqi civil war is aiding the insurrectionists — reminiscent of similar charges related to Vietnam made during the election of ‘72.

Seven    That the casualty lists are beginning to wedge a space in the press is viewed as a macabre symbol that is  used gleefully as an asset for the opposing party.

Eight     Flip-flopping out of context is the exclusive psyche of Kerry without probing the hair-raising convolutions of the President.

Nine       The media that question the policies of the administration are but liberals; the media that endorse the administration are objective patriots.

Ten        Affluent suburbia is a Republican force to be reckoned with as though impoverished suburbia, a substantial 38 ½ %, does not exist.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 20, 2004.

on Sep 20, 2004
You are just right, stevendedalus!
on Sep 20, 2004
" You are just right, stevendedalus!"

Nah, you're wrong. Oh, wait, this is OPINION, isn't it? In that light, I'm not to sure these ideas are self-evident, especially considering the wide support Bush has and the fact that even Kerry supporters don't agree with them all.

Keep up the good work steve, silly statements like 38% of suburbia is "impoverished" is a great help to those who are trying to see if the Left is truly full of crap...

on Sep 21, 2004
Aye, even the truth smells like crap.
on Sep 21, 2004
Aye, even the truth smells like crap.

I partially agree. It sure smells like crap but the kind of twisting logic going on there is not remotely what most thinking people would call Truth.
on Sep 24, 2004
The capital T is reserved for Bakerstreet.