Constructive gadfly
Published on September 11, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Political analysts are in agreement that presidential campaigns are too long and should be shortened to, say, two months; I maintain that campaigning is continuous from one election to the next. … If there is such a thing as illegal immigrants, what’s to prevent the native American from kicking all of us out? … In the ‘60 presidential debate, pundits claimed that Kennedy won because of Nixon’s five o’clock shadow; this time you can bet the Crawford Ranch that Bush wins on shadowy remarks that paradoxically shed light on a dumbed-down America. … In light of Gore’s invasion of Bush’s space in the 2000 debate, I doubt that Kerry will swing his swift boat into the face of the president. … That Laura Bush is a sweet thing implies that Terry Heinz Kerry is a w[b]itch. … In hearing the inference that the Democratic Party is soft on defense, FDR, Truman, and Kennedy’s roars must have started an avalanche in heaven. … Rumors have it that Wal-Mart is now competing with corporations, corporate law and financial firms by interviewing Ivy League MA graduates for top notch overseas positions — it takes smarts to keep foreigners in their place as victims of exploitation. … What happened to the increase to charities Bush promised would come from the tax cuts to the rich? — revenues to charities have dropped. … The difference between the regular guy chain-sawing down on the ranch or farm and that of “regular guy” Bush is that the former is doing it for firewood, and the latter as symbol for tax cutting. … Why not give each candidate a catechism quiz during the first debate to determine who is the more religious? …

 Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 12, 2004.

on Sep 12, 2004
"Why not give each candidate a catechism quiz during the first debate to determine who is the more religious?"

shhh, don't give him any ideas.
on Sep 12, 2004
hehe, wf

On the walmart note, I have worked for WalMart, and find it sad they pay their business interns more than their assistant managers.
on Sep 12, 2004
Yes, I should've whispered the idea; how true, Gideon, that "college" material usually learn from the person with the sweat of experience.