Constructive gadfly
Published on September 11, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Will wonders never cease? … With the aid of 22 Republicans, the Democrats shot down the bill to mess with overtime — is hope really on the way? … Apparently it really is because FCC ruled that digital channels, even though their analog channel complies, are also required to air three hours a week of children shows. … The much ballyhooed “Owner Society” ignores the facts that most “ownership” is in the hands of bankers, much like the government is in the grubby hands of foreign lenders. … Look out for Bush’s latest “tax reform” hints; it will mean a national sales or flat tax. … How many of the jobs created by the Bush administration are from defense contracts and do they include American workers in Iraq, not to mention the increased employment in surveillance? … Do Swiftboaters really believe that there were no atrocities by American forces as though firing indiscriminately into villages from the river doesn’t count; they should go on shore more and talk to the grunts; I suppose that they never heard of Abu Ghraib either. … Don’t board a plane if you have an enlarged prostate because if you stand up during the last thirty minutes of flight to head for the John, the plane is considered under attack. … Journalist are now profiling SUVs in their accident reports, though they never point out regular cars by type. … Will Putin announce to the US “you’re either with us or against us” for harboring Chechen separatists? …

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 11, 2004.

on Sep 11, 2004
"How many of the jobs created by the Bush administration are from defense contracts and do they include American workers in Iraq, not to mention the increased employment in surveillance?"

Now that would be very interesting to see. I suspect that these numbers might be as high as one million? Does that sound reasonable?

on Sep 11, 2004
Very reasonable, perhaps even conservative.
on Sep 12, 2004
Ah, but with 400,000 Americans employed on Ebay, what's to worry about?
on Sep 12, 2004
Another bubble about to burst, perhaps.?