Constructive gadfly
Published on September 9, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Whether near or in Cambodian waters the fact remains Kerry was in a theatre of war — and write it off as youthful exaggeration. … It is clear that Bush’s national guard tour is spotty. … but give him his credit due for not fleeing to Canada. … That said, let us now forget the past and concentrate on the campaign concerning the next four years. … Both candidates are fantasizing if they think that within five years they can balance or even reduce the deficit in face of mounting costs of war and prescription drugs. Even Kerry’s rollback of the tax cuts won’t do it because revenue cannot keep up with inflation — nor will the increase in population help it since most put to work are on the low scale. … What is needed is a bold policy to severely limit outsourcing and to rebuild our industrial-technologic base on the scale of post WW II — entrepreneurs and corporate executives should think patriotism rather than the bottom line. … The only way to end federal hand outs is to upgrade the wage system by automatically adjusting for inflation and keeping all full time workers above the mythical poverty line. Moreover, heath care or insurance must be made mandatory just as are auto and unemployment insurance. Para professional medics must be trained for walk-in clinics to limit costly office visits for mild illness. … How is it, as Zell Miller observes, " a far-out liberal is unelectable" but a far-out conservative is spared the same curse?


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 9, 2004.

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