Constructive gadfly
Published on September 7, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Politicians who drape themselves in the flag are insecure about their own patriotism.

One should think twice about urging equality for women in Islamic nations when Muslim women willfully blow up planes.

Eloquence is no longer an asset; it has been preempted by low life vernacular.

“God’s Will Be Done” has been hijacked by politics.

Jefferson’s “natural aristocracy” is now perceived as capitalistic aristocracy.

Senior citizen voting error in Palm Beach is now praised as an act of God to keep Gore from leading the nation in the aftermath of 9/11.

The reason Eve was created via Adam’s rib is that he didn’t have a brain.

What’s in a lonely letter? We all know that it was France [s] that wreaked destruction on Florida — just as McDonald’s French fries damn near killed Bill Clinton.

Isn’t it ironic that those most vociferous against Darwinism are those who believe in the survival of the fittest?

The male equivalent to a slut is a sex-glut.

  Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 7, 2004.


on Sep 08, 2004
I am so glad to see these!
They're so good, I'm having trouble choosing my favorite this week. I'll have to go with all of them!
on Sep 09, 2004
I'll have to go with all of them!
WOW   You made my day!--no one else has.
on Sep 09, 2004
Good stuff.
on Sep 09, 2004
I'm glad I could make your day! And beyond glad you have remained safe from nature's fury!
on Sep 09, 2004

Not so fast-- terrible Ivan encroaches.

Thanks, Shozan.

on Sep 12, 2004
It seems Ivan is by-passing FL.
on Sep 12, 2004
Thank God! Florida needed to be hit again like I need to be hit with a brick! Although some people on this list would say that I DO need to be hit!
on Sep 14, 2004
Nah, drmiler, we have forgiveness in our hearts.