Constructive gadfly

The Republican Party is sadistic to hold its convention in New York, whose residents only love New York, not Bush — in spite of Giuliani’s unseemly crush on the cowboy.

Casket is now spelled Costco since the company is now selling coffins at discount prices — look for them soon at your friendly Wal-Mart.

Will WMD sniffers still be at it in the year 3004 or for as long as the Bible archaeologists who are still searching for Eden along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers?

Had  Bush been in office during the seething sixties or seventies, can you imagine the picnic songwriters of that time would have had over Iraq?

The friendly skies are back! When you are made to remove your shoes at the gate, you are graciously permitted to keep them off when you go aboard for a toe-rubbing, relaxing flight.

Barbara Walters crowned Laura Bush as "Most Fascinating” — odd, I never met a fascinating librarian.

Why the good earth — why not shuttle nuclear garbage to the moon?

How long is a loaf of bread? As long as the SUV that drives round the corner to pick it up.

The equivalent to “I never had sex ... with that woman” is “When I said there was WMD it was a metaphor for Saddam.”

The pundits in the 60s referred to the Kennedy White House as “Camelot” — how is it they don’t refer to the Bush White House as “Liealot?”

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: August 29, 2004.

on Aug 30, 2004
, liealot!!! Your Sunday quotes make my Mondays. And I am so thrilled about your publication!!!
on Aug 30, 2004
Thank you, sweet friend.