Constructive gadfly
Published on August 4, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics
 All issues considered what one stands out most in casting your vote?

1) Likable character in the candidate

2) Clear-cut winner of the debates

3) Stance taken on a constitutional amendment defining marriage

4) Pro-life or woman’s choice

5) Continuance of the ban on assault weapons or its termination

6) Vouchers as opposed to more funds for public education

7) The candidate who would be the better commander in chief

8) The better foreign policy offered 

9) Satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the present economy

 110) Targeted homeland security funds in most vulnerable areas


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: August, 4, 2004.

Comments (Page 3)
3 Pages1 2 3 
on Aug 09, 2004

#7 Better Commander and Chief is not an issue.

This implys that a better commander and chief is better at solving all the issues a commander and chief is supposed to solve.

I don't think I'm mistaken but the flip side is called a President who embraces all facets of government, not just defense, othewise he would be decked out in a scrambled egg cap and five stars on his uniform.

3 Pages1 2 3