Constructive gadfly
Published on August 4, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics
 All issues considered what one stands out most in casting your vote?

1) Likable character in the candidate

2) Clear-cut winner of the debates

3) Stance taken on a constitutional amendment defining marriage

4) Pro-life or woman’s choice

5) Continuance of the ban on assault weapons or its termination

6) Vouchers as opposed to more funds for public education

7) The candidate who would be the better commander in chief

8) The better foreign policy offered 

9) Satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the present economy

 110) Targeted homeland security funds in most vulnerable areas


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: August, 4, 2004.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 05, 2004
The terrorists' actions were designed to draw America into an overreaction

That's a rediculous argument. Do you really think the terrorists wanted us to overthrow the one government that was giving them sanctuary? Do you really think the terrorists want us to build a democracy in Iraq? Do you really think that terrorists are stronger now that we have destroyed their training camps? Are terrorists stronger now that we have captured most of Al Qaeda's senior leadership?

What specific improvement will Kerry make regarding diplomacy?
on Aug 05, 2004
Probably number 8, for all the reasons listed by others.

I was sickened by our approach to the Iraq issue, I was sickened by the way Bush ignored the U.N., and I was sickened by all the French-bashing going on at the start of that war.

All the people who think America can continue to be the world's greatest super power by alienating every other nation on this Earth scare me.
on Aug 05, 2004

"The better foreign policy offered "

I really think in the long run this will be ever increasingly important. 

on Aug 05, 2004
alienating every other nation on this Earth

France, Germany, and Russia are not every other nation on this Earth.
on Aug 05, 2004

France, Germany, and Russia are not every other nation on this Earth.
But 3 of the most influential nations in the world.  

on Aug 05, 2004
You ruin the economic policy choice by turning it into such a short term concern:
Unfortunately, short term gain or loss has been the perception since Reagan turned corporate and government economics upside down.
on Aug 05, 2004
That's a rediculous argument. Do you really think the terrorists wanted us to overthrow the one government that was giving them sanctuary? Do you really think the terrorists want us to build a democracy in Iraq?
If you call this ridiculous, then we are not going to find a lot of common ground, and I probably will have a tough time convincing you.

However, without offering these dirtbags any sympathy whatsoever, I invite you to think about their motivations. Do they believe that they can fly enough planes into enough buildings to make us surrender? Do they think that, by committing an array of atrocities, the U.S.can be convinced to say, "Woa, you guys are too much for us. We're outa here?"

The burning desire of Osama Bin Laden was and is to remove America and all "infidels" from the Middle East in general and the holy sites of his homeland, Saudi Arabia, in particular. And he is not stupid enough to think this can be accomplished directly. Thus, he means to spark a much larger rift, whereby those governments of the Middle East that accomodate the US face pressure and possibly overthrow from Muslim militants.

Did he want us to overthrow Iraq? I hate to be inflammatory here, but I suspect that, in his wildest dreams, he had no idea he would accomplish such a helpful outcome. Saddam Hussein, although about as horrible a man as you will find, was no friend of Osama Bin Laden or militant Muslims -- in fact, Iraq had a secular, albeit evil, government. To the Muslim world, our attacking Iraq for the wrong doing of Muslim militants, is insane, and the deaths of innocent people in the process (all horribly documented on Muslim TV) is Bin Laden's wet dream come true.

I don't say this as part of a "get Bush" agenda -- I say it as an American who loves his country and feels that we are getting outmanuevered. And I grind my teeth to watch it happen. The deaths of the 9/11 victims remain unavenged, and the agenda of those who perpetrated this act has been forwarded. If Bush would wise up about this, he would be welcome to my vote.

The terrorists were willing to purchase the advance of this agenda with their own lives, and they are getting what they paid for... which is hardly the way to discourage further terrorism.
on Aug 05, 2004
None of the above. My big one would be economic policy, which include thinking about free trade, taxes, deficits, and major programs proposed by the candidates.

I have to go with vincible here. But lacking that option I would go with #7.
on Aug 05, 2004
Saddam Hussein, although about as horrible a man as you will find, was no friend of Osama Bin Laden or militant Muslims

Which would explain why Saddam was training terrorists in his country.

Thus, he means to spark a much larger rift, whereby those governments of the Middle East that accomodate the US face pressure and possibly overthrow from Muslim militants.

Governments the US has overthrown since 9/11: 2
Governments Islamic militrants have overthrown since 9/11: 0
Also consider that Pakistan has gone from being a Taliban backer to a hunter of Al Qaeda.

Yep, we're losing.
on Aug 05, 2004
Madine, I honestly wish you are right, but you are practicing self deceit.

I fervently pray that 5-10 years down the road it will turn out that I was wrong and you were right., but, in the meantime, I am going to go with #8.
on Aug 06, 2004
Self deceit? You don't think Saddam was training terrorists? link

Which governments are at risk of being overthrowm by Muslim militants?
on Aug 06, 2004
What kind of questionaire is this?

#7 Better Commander and Chief is not an issue.

This implys that a better commander and chief is better at solving all the issues a commander and chief is supposed to solve.

So of course everyone is going to vote for #7

My vote is for MORE JOBS, less corporate corruption, and moving to eliminate dependance on foreign oil.

on Aug 06, 2004
Dear America,

The reason why 9/11 happened is because of America's strong support of Israel. I'd go with 8.

Your Pal,
David St. Hubbins

"Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the man who conceived and directed the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, was motivated by his strong disagreement with American support for Israel, according to the final report of the Sept. 11 commission." - LA Times

on Aug 06, 2004

My vote is for MORE JOBS, less corporate corruption, and moving to eliminate dependance on foreign oil.

This would imply a vote for Kerry--bravo!

on Aug 08, 2004
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